International Hydroacoustics Workshop 2024

  Vienna, Austria
  09 Sep 2024 - 11 Sep 2024

The objectives of the workshop are to support the CTBTO verification regime by creating a forum for scientific knowledge exchange on three main themes:

The IHW2024 will address the following themes in hydroacoustics related to the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT):


Theme 1: Technological advancements in marine engineering pertinent to the sustainability and improvement of the hydroacoustic component of CTBT’s International Monitoring System;

Theme 2: Data analysis and signal processing methods for CTBT verification purposes;

Theme 3: 3-D modelling for long-range hydroacoustic signal propagation.


The above themes will include but will not be limited to the following topics:

Theme 1 topics:

1.1 Technological advancements in marine engineering pertinent to the sustainability and improvement of the hydroacoustic component of CTBT’s International Monitoring System (IMS):

1.2 Technology and engineering trends in Ocean Observatories, with emphasis on technologies and trends pertinent to the IMS hydroacoustic networks: a) Risk mitigation in design, installation and operation of submarine cabled-to-shore systems, and b) data monitoring for early/predictive identification of sensor degradation to improve maintenance;

1.3 Longevity and sustainability of modular ocean observation systems and maintainability challenges in environmentally difficult locations, including operational aspects related to the use of Remotely Operated underwater Vehicles in the maintenance of such systems;

1.4 Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) systems for passive ocean acoustics: installation, sustainment, longevity and detection performance comparison with pertinent hydrophone systems;

1.5 Ocean Decade Projects and Initiatives on passive ocean monitoring and SMART telecommunications cables;


Theme 2 topics:

2.1 Hydroacoustic data analysis and signal processing methods for event detection, location, and CTBT verification purposes;

2.2 Scientific and civil applications of IMS hydroacoustic data analysis, including vDEC projects;

2.3 Ocean soundscape measurements and applications using IMS hydroacoustic data;

2.4 Seismoacoustic data processing from submarine cables: current methods and future directions;

2.5 Ocean acoustics tomography and thermometry, both passive and active.


Theme 3 topics:

3.1 Acoustic-seismic and seismic-acoustic transfer functions at coastal seismometers: estimation and modelling;

3.2 Estimation and modelling of 3-D propagation effects on low-frequency (<100 Hz) hydroacoustic signals propagating in the ocean.


As always, additional CTBT-related contributions on relevant topics are also welcome.


Technical Meeting on Legacy Data from Nuclear Tests

  Vienna, VIC
  18 Sep 2024 - 20 Sep 2024

Nuclear Test Records Workshop

Finding methods to recover and digitize recordings from historical nuclear tests conducted during the 1950s – 1980s is critical for preserving these valuable records. Making these recordings accessible in digital format offers opportunities for a new generation of researchers to study the signatures encoded in the data.

In this workshop, researchers will discuss ongoing efforts to preserve recordings and metadata from historical nuclear tests and explore how these data can be utilized to improve nuclear explosion monitoring. Participants are invited to contribute to the technical meeting by making a 30-minute presentation related to one of the following themes:

Technical Training for Waveform Station Operators of Joint IMS and USGS Stations

  Vienna, VIC
  11 Nov 2024 - 15 Nov 2024

To provide station operators with the basic knowledge and technical understanding on the operations, maintenance and management of an IMS station using waveform technology and, more specifically, to provide hands-on training for the various operational and maintenance procedures.

STM24: Specialized Technical Meeting on Operations and Maintenance of the International Monitoring System (IMS) on Power in Extreme Environments and Integrated Portals for Station Operation of the IMS

  Vienna, Austria
  19 Nov 2024 - 21 Nov 2024

The last Specialized Technical Meeting on Preventive and Predictive Maintenance was held online in 2020, and the last O&M Meeting with a full spectrum of topics was held in 2022.

Following the recommendation from the 2015 O&M Workshop of alternating full-spectrum and specialized events, a Specialized Technical Meeting (with specific topics) will be held again in 2024 with the following objectives:

To provide a platform to present measures and tools that will lead to enhanced monitoring and sustainment of the IMS on:

  1. Innovative developments in State-of-Health (SOH) monitoring and tools for Station Operators, including on enhanced notification and predictive analysis.
  2. Potential sustainability enhancements for the IMS station network, in the areas such as equipment standardization, best practices of operation, documentation, training.

HPC Workshop for Nuclear Explosion Monitoring

  Vienna, VIC
  03 Dec 2024 - 05 Dec 2024


The workshop aims to discuss the use of High-Performance Computing (HPC) to support monitoring the world for any nuclear explosions on the ground, in the ocean and in the atmosphere.The workshop aims to discuss the use of High-Performance Computing (HPC) to support monitoring the world for any nuclear explosions on the ground, in the ocean and in the atmosphere.

The International Data Centre (IDC) is constantly trying to enhance its technical capabilities as experience is gained in the operation of the International Monitoring System (IMS). To this end, it will hold the second edition of the HPC workshop for nuclear explosion monitoring to identify and discuss solutions that will improve seismic, hydroacoustic, infrasound, and radionuclide modelling and data analysis, atmospheric transport modelling, and other needs of the CTBTO. 
Why attend?

• Learn from experts: Gaining insights from leading scientists who will present their latest work and gain insights about applications of HPC, ML and DL in nuclear explosion monitoring.

• Shape the future: Contribute to the future of the CTBTO by presenting new methods and procedures, and engage in discussions about possible applications.

• Networking: Build valuable connections with other professionals and like-minded individuals of the CTBTO community and experts from the technical side.

Workshop Highlights:

• Fundamentals and advanced topics: From the basics of using HPC, ML and DL to the latest advancements in applications for nuclear explosion monitoring

• Use cases: Learn how these technologies can be used to achieve more precise and efficient results in monitoring nuclear explosions

• Interactive sessions: Participate in brainstorming sessions where we will have the opportunity to discuss the potential use cases for nuclear explosion monitoring

• Collaborative discussions: Share your ideas and explore new methods that can enhance the work of the CTBTOThe workshop includes but is not limited to the following topics:

- Numerical modelling applied to seismic, hydroacoustic, infrasound, atmospheric transport, and radionuclide simulations; 

- Deep learning and machine learning applied to data analysis, signal processing, event localization, data fusion, physics-informed networks, and weather and ocean modelling.