Hofburg, Vienna, Austria
  24 Jun 2019 - 28 Jun 2019

S.S.G. Abdoel1

1Meteorological Services


Atmospheric Dynamics involves observational and theoretical analysis of all motion systems of meteorological significance, including such diverse phenomena as thunderstorms, tornadoes, gravity waves, tropical hurricanes, extratropical cyclones, jet streams and global scale circulation. When there is a nuclear explosion, all the particles comes out and travel to the oceans, earth and atmosphere. Another area is atmospheric dynamics relevant to the transport of radionuclides and the propagation of atmospheric infrasound. All elements released into the atmosphere changes the atmospheric dynamics. Particles that stay in the atmosphere influence the weather and also lead to climate change. Gases released from a nuclear event can damage our greenhouses that protect our earth. This means that we will have weather extremes, for example: higher temperatures (heat waves), colder winters and sea level rise. With all the data it is very easy to analyze the events and detect upcoming events.