Hofburg, Vienna, Austria
  24 Jun 2019 - 28 Jun 2019

W. Olimat1

1Jordan Seismological Observatory


NDC-JO staffs participated in many NDC capacity building activities and NDC training courses which are very useful for them in their work in NDC-JO and in JSO (Jordan Seismological Observatory). They participated and participating in: Training Course for Technical Staff of NDC’S, Training Course on NDC Capacity Building : Access and Analysis of Radionuclide IMS Data and IDC Products, Training Course on NDC Capacity Building: Access and Analysis of Waveform IMS Data and IDC Products, E-Learning Training Course on NDC Capacity Building: Access and Application of IMS Data and IDC Products, NDC Waveform Training Course using SeisComP3, NDC Waveform Analyst Training Course, The African Regional Infrasound Workshop and Integrated Training for NDCs, NDC Capacity Building: NDC Infrasound Data Analysis Training, 6th Workshop on the Operation and Maintenance (O&M) of the IMS ,3rd OSI training Cycle, OSI workshops, Infrasound Technology Workshops, CTBT Advanced Science Course: "Around the Globe and Around the Clock: The Science and Technology of the CTBT" ,CTBT Diplomacy and Public Policy Course, SNTs: CTBT Science and Technology Conferences (2011, 2013, 2015, 2017 and 2019), NDC Infrasound Data Analysis Training.