Hofburg, Vienna, Austria
  24 Jun 2019 - 28 Jun 2019

H.Q. Nguyen1

1Vietnam Agency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety & Control (VARANSAC)


The plan to develop the CTBTO knowledge in Vietnam includes the following: - learn about techniques used in the verification regime of CTBT – exploit IDC data for verification purpose and for scientific research and civil application – improve the knowledge and experience on the techniques so that can give the government the advice on the technical issues when necessary - enhance the knowledge on CTBT and technical issues by exploiting E-learning, CTBTO forum on internet. - participate in the exercises held by PTS or state parties such as NPE exercise, common exercise as doing in this such as NPE exercise, common exercise … - strengthen the knowledge technical skill of NDC staffs through technical training course, workshop, either domestic or abroad, hold by CTBTO, IAEA… - exploit software of NDC-in-a Box provided by CTBTO to analyze IMS data for improving NDC analysis skills of NDC staffs, including: - carrying out the analysis of spectra of RN stations of IMS by using Openspectra for particulate radionuclide and Norfy for radioxenon - practicing the Atmosphere Transportation Modeling ATM software (webgrape) and Geotool (for analysing seismic data) to gain experience and skill in operating them to build technical ability.