Hofburg, Vienna, Austria
  24 Jun 2019 - 28 Jun 2019

N. Downey1 , R. Tibi1 , S. Ballard2 , J. Hipp1 , A. Encarnacao1 , M. Begnaud3

1Sandia National Laboratories
2Retired, Sandia National Laboratories
3Los Alamos National Laboratories


The development of the SALSA3D (SAndia LoS Alamos 3D) tomographic velocity models has made available to the monitoring and seismological communities a 3D velocity model useful for event location and uncertainty estimation. We discuss the research products that have resulted from this effort, including the models themselves, model uncertainties, a set of 2D and 3D travel time tables and an associated software suite. Included in the software is a single-event locator (LocOO3d) that can use a variety of velocity models, including the SALSA3D models, either alone or in combination to provide location and location uncertainties. A second program, pCalc is capable of computing travel-time estimates through the SALSA3D models for a rich set of seismic phases and is also compatible with several community velocity models. These two software packages, along with the previously-released model representation framework (GeoTESS) provides a suite of tools for working with the SALSA3D models that will be useful to monitoring agencies and academic institutions throughout the seismological community.