Hofburg, Vienna, Austria
  24 Jun 2019 - 28 Jun 2019

G. Beziat1 , M.B. Kalinowski1 , N. Ìnoue1 , J. Kusmierczyk-Michulec1 , J. Baré1 , A. Gheddou1 , P. Bourgouin1 , Y. Yoichi2 , T. Yutaka2

1CTBTO Preparatory Commission
2Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)


In early 2018, two mobile noble gas measurement systems were deployed and have started measurement at Horonobe and Mutsu in Japan. Together with a third mobile system that will be deployed at Fukuoka, Japan, in spring 2019, and the operating IMS noble gas system at station RN38, Takasaki, Japan, this creates a high-density configuration of noble gas measurement systems. The objective of this configuration is to generate a database of detections which will be used to develop and test methods for better understanding the contributions of known sources from across Eurasia. Contributions from these sources are frequently observed at IMS station RN38. The high density configuration will provide a framework to test and optimize source location algorithms and to better understand level C episodes, specifically at JPX38. The three mobile noble gas measurement systems used in this experiment and their operation are externally funded. The planned duration of this experiment is two years.