Hofburg, Vienna, Austria
  24 Jun 2019 - 28 Jun 2019

A. Simanjuntak1

1National Seismological Center, Meterological and Geophysical Agency


It is very correct that earthquakes are associated with different tectonic, physical, astronomical, climatic and other events. Earthquakes result from geodynamics produced by earth's stress fields which is a process of Earth's interaction with the Sun and other celestial bodies as well as the climate results from this. One general connection between climate and the earth's stress field is that climate change may lead to increased erosion with mass redistribution. Such mass redistribution may increase the probability of stress release in a pre-stressed domain that may happen because the mass or stress unloading due to erosion decreases the overall or principle stress in the system which may have just been high enough to stabilize the system before. Mohr's circle of stress analysis would be the physical context behind this. And, in addition, deglaciation could be a significant factor: it decreases lithostatic loading with less stabilization. And, fluids in a stressed system always play a role, as they influence relative stresses. The lithosphere is very close connected with the atmosphere. There is relationship between precipitation and earthquakes on the short-term scale, and between solar irradiation and stress field in the upper crust.