Vienna, Austria
  19 Nov 2024 - 21 Nov 2024


The last Specialized Technical Meeting on Preventive and Predictive Maintenance was held online in 2020, and the last O&M Meeting with a full spectrum of topics was held in 2022.

Following the recommendation from the 2015 O&M Workshop of alternating full-spectrum and specialized events, a Specialized Technical Meeting (with specific topics) will be held again in 2024 with the following objectives:

To provide a platform to present measures and tools that will lead to enhanced monitoring and sustainment of the IMS on:

  1. Innovative developments in State-of-Health (SOH) monitoring and tools for Station Operators, including on enhanced notification and predictive analysis.
  2. Potential sustainability enhancements for the IMS station network, in the areas such as equipment standardization, best practices of operation, documentation, training.

Further details:

Language: English
Application Deadline:

Participants Profile

Station Operators who operate IMS Station(s) and others contributing with relevant subject matters directly to the objectives of the meeting.   Registration and abstract submission are requirements for participation in the meeting.

Please be informed that the Provisional Technical Secretariat solicits presentations from participants on the topics of the Meeting.

Financial support

will be considered only for those who have submitted an abstract that will be accepted. If there are multiple authors on the abstract, only one presenter can request funding. Participants are strongly encouraged to first seek travel and participation funds from non-CTBTO sources.

States Signatories wishing to nominate experts are requested to inform the Provisional Technical Secretariat (See Administrative Point of Contact) through their respective Permanent Mission by the deadline set for application.

Financial Information

Applicable to PTS-funded participants only.

In accordance with the Staff regulations and rules and Administrative Directives, the PTS will provide the following:
• A Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA) that is sufficient to cover the related expenses during the meeting program will be paid on the first day of the meetings to the participants;
• The PTS travel agent will reserve, issue and forward the flight ticket to the participants for the most direct and economic route;
• Funded participants are not allowed to purchase their own tickets unless, under exceptional circumstances, be authorized to do so and only if this proves to be most cost efficient for the PTS;
• The PTS will book a hotel and cover the costs for the accommodation; and
• Health insurance will be provided that covers the duration of the meeting.
Requirement: Scanned passport copies.


PowerPoint presentations shall not exceed 20 minutes.

Participants should apply for visas, if needed, at the corresponding consular office upon receipt of an acceptance Note Verbale from the Secretariat, in order to ensure timely processing.

Health/Accident Insurance
It is strongly recommended that prior to departure all participants should acquire health and accident insurance for the duration of the meeting.


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