Algiers, Algeria
  01 Dec 2024 - 05 Dec 2024


-To provide a comprehensive understanding of the roles of National Data Centres within the verification regime.

-To promote the exchange of experience and expertise among Participating States in the establishment, operation and management of a National Data Centre.

-To equip participants with the necessary knowledge and skills for accessing and utilizing International Monitoring System (IMS) data and International Data Centre (IDC) products.

-To explore and promote the use of IMS data and IDC products for civil and scientific applications. This includes discussions on how data from the CTBT verification system can be utilized in areas such as environmental monitoring, disaster prevention/recovery, and academic research.

-To harmonize the approaches of States' Signatories participating in and benefiting from the CTBT verification system.

Further details:

Language: Arabic
Application Deadline: 30 Sep 2024 00:00 GMT

Financial Information

Applicable to PTS-funded participants only

In accordance with the Staff regulations and rules and Administrative Directives, the PTS will provide the following:

- A Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA) that is sufficient to cover the related expenses during the workshop program will be granted to funded participants;

- The PTS travel agent will reserve, issue and forward the flight ticket to the participants for the most direct and economic route;

- Funded participants are not allowed to purchase their own tickets unless, under exceptional circumstances, be authorized to do so and only if this proves to be most cost efficient for the PTS;

- The PTS will book a hotel and cover the costs for the accommodation; and

- Health insurance will be provided for the duration of the workshop.

Requirement: Scanned passport copies.


- PowerPoint presentations (shall not exceed 20 minutes).

- Posters (should be in either A0 or B1 portrait format).

- Round table discussion for two relevant workshop topics. Applicants can submit a separate abstract (on top of the presentation or poster) for a topic that they deem of particular importance to the workshop. The respective participants are then able to (co-)moderate the round table discussion, which will be arranged beforehand.

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