Vienna, Austria
  03 Mar 2025 - 05 Mar 2025


To provide PKI Operators with basic knowledge and technical understanding on Data Authentication, Data Surety, Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) concepts and terminology. The Operators will learn how to generate key pairs, how to submit certificate requests and how to retrieve and install certificates for radionuclide stations using RSSI software and for waveform stations using SSI software and Guralp DM24SxEAM and Affinity, Nanometrics Europa-T and Centaur and Kinemetrics Q330MPlus digitizers.


• Basic Information on Data Authentication.

• Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Concepts and Terminology.

• Data Surety.

• PKI Portal introduction.

• Demonstration.

• Generate key pairs and submit certificate request.

• Retrieve and install certificates for:

• SSI/RSSI software

• Guralp CMG-DM24 and Affinity, Nanometrics Europa-T and Centaur and Kinemetrics Q330MPlus digitizers.

Further details:

Language: English
Application Deadline: 05 Jan 2025 23:59 GMT

Financial Information

In accordance with the Staff Regulations and Rules and Administrative Directives, the PTS will provide the following:

• A Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA) that is sufficient to cover the related expenses during the training program;

• The PTS travel agent will reserve, issue and forward the flight ticket to the participants for the most direct and economic route;

• Funded participants are not allowed to purchase their own tickets unless, under exceptional circumstances, be authorized to do so and only if this proves to be most cost efficient for the PTS;

• The PTS will book a hotel and cover the costs for the accommodation and training participants will receive their remaining Daily Subsistence Allowance upon arrival in Vienna; and

• Health insurance will be provided for the duration of the training.

Requirement: Scanned passport copies.

Participants Profile:

Nominated PKI Operators for IMS waveform and radionuclide stations.

Candidates must be proficient in English.

Application Procedure

Applicants are requested to register online at the Commission’s CTNW platform:

Financial support may be available to a limited number of participants. Such assistance must be requested at the time of registration (by selecting the relevant box during online registration) and no later than 5 January 2025

Financial support may be available for a limited number of participants. Such assistance must be requested at the time of registration (by selecting the relevant box during online registration) and no later than 5 January 2025

State Signatories wishing to nominate experts are requested to inform the PTS through their respective Permanent Mission. The nomination letters should be sent to the PTS point of contact above, and no later than 5 January 2025

PTS reserves the right to postpone/cancel the training depending on number of applicants.

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