Vienna, Austria
  26 Jun 2017 - 30 Jun 2017

Poster Session: T2.2, T2.3, T2.5, T3.3, T3.4, T3.6

Poster Session: Monday, 26 June 2017, 16:00
Posters displayed Monday to Friday inclusive


Characterization of Events Through On-Site Inspection

T2.2-P1 A Standardized and Accurate Sampling Device for On-Site Inspection and Verification Purposes after a Nuclear Incident
T2.2-P2 Analytical Procedures Developed by the IAEA’s ALMERA Network Applicable to the Characterization of Legacy Nuclear Test Sites
T2.2-P3 Delayed Telltale Signature of an Underground Nuclear Explosion
T2.2-P4 (Y) Determining Mechanisms of Ground and Surface Waters at "Balapan" Site of Semipalatinsk Test Site
T2.2-P5 Geophysical Imaging of an Uncollapsed Nuclear Explosive Test
T2.2-P6 Measurement of Radioargon and Radioxenon in Soil Gas
T2.2-P7 Measurements of Ar-37 Backgrounds at the Nevada National Security Site
T2.2-P8 On Site Carbon Dioxide and Stable Isotopologues Measurement to Support OSI Subsurface Gas Sampling
T2.2-P9 PNNL-2: On-Site Inspection Capabilities – Examination of Laboratory Detector Response
T2.2-P10 Revisiting the On-site Inspection (OSI) Concept of Operations in Light of Integrated Field Exercise 2014 (IFE14) and Inspection Team Functionality
T2.2-P11 Semipalatinsk Test Site: Underground Nuclear Explosions Signatures in the Velocity Field on P- And S- Waves (for the OSI Purposes)
T2.2-P12 (Y) Simulation of Shallow Subsurface Noble Gas Transport Using Subsurface Transport over Multiple Phases (STOMP)
T2.2-P13 (Y) Use of Tritium as an Indicator of Underground Nuclear Explosion Venues at the STS
T2.2-P14 Variations of Cs-137 Background of Global Fallout at OSI Site as the Signature to Search for Radiation Anomaly or the Artefact
T2.2-P15 The Importance of Visual Observation to Guide the Application of Other OSI Techniques


Seismoacoustic Sources in Theory and Practice

T2.3-P1 A New Experimental Field Study of the Effects of Explosive Detonation Products on Seismic Radiation
T2.3-P2 (Y) Analysis of Stress and Fault Orientation in Double Subduction Zone of Maluku Sea Region by Using Iterative Joint Inversion Method
T2.3-P3 Combined Experiment and Numerical Modelling to Understand Response Near Chemical Explosions
T2.3-P4 Compilation of Infrasound Ground-Truth Database Using Seismic Data
T2.3-P5 (Y) December 7th Earthquake
T2.3-P6 Dynamics of Reservoir Induced Seismicity in Aswan, Egypt
T2.3-P7 (Y) Earthquakes Mechanisms in Egypt
T2.3-P8 Estimation of Full Moment Tensors, Including Uncertainties, For Earthquakes, Volcanic Events and Nuclear Explosions
T2.3-P9 Estimation of Source Parameters and Their Uncertainties of Explosion Sources Using Equalization Technique: “ Application to the SPE Chemical Explosions at NNSS
T2.3-P10 Events Detected by the Indian Ocean Network of Hydroacoustic IMS Stations
T2.3-P11 Induced Seismicity on the Territory of Kazakhstan
T2.3-P12 Precursor Study by a Physical Model of the Ahar-Varzaghan Doublet Earthquakes (6.5, 6.3) 2012 at the Northwest of Iran
T2.3-P13 Seismic and Hydroacoustic Observations from Underwater Explosions off the East Coast of Florida
T2.3-P14 Seismoacoustic Effects of the Khubsugul Earthquake of 5 December 2014, Mw = 4.9, Mongolia
T2.3-P15 Time-Domain Source Function (TDSF) for Nuclear and Chemical Explosions: Analysis Around Nevada National Security Site (NNSS)
T2.3-P16 Seismic Source of Moderate Earthquakes in Colombia


Historical Data from Nuclear Test Monitoring

T2.5-P1 Kr-85 Monitoring in North-Western Region of Russian Federation
T2.5-P2 Analysis of the Wave Pattern of Nuclear Explosions Records from Lop Nor Test Site by Central Asia Stations
T2.5-P3 (Y) Measurement of Background Gamma Radiation in the Northern Marshall Islands
T2.5-P4 Nuclear Explosions in the Eastern Siberia (the Former USSR) in 1976-1987
T2.5-P5 (Y) Nuclear Test Explosions Recorded by Seismic Stations of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
T2.5-P6 Observation of Infrasound Signals from the 1920s
T2.5-P7 Possibility Assessment of Determination of the Place of the Underground Nuclear Tests by Means of Artificial Radionuclides Presence in Groundwater with STS Example
T2.5-P8 Potentially Dangerous Technogenic Objects at Semipalatinsk Test Site
T2.5-P9 Some features of wave forms of seismic events from the areas of nuclear Asia Test Sites according to the data of AS60 seismic station (AAK, Ala-Archa, Kyrgyzstan)
T2.5-P10 The Nuclear Tests in Ukraine (the Ukrainian SSR) in the Period of 1972-1979 Years
T2.5-P11 (Y) The Precise Location of the Fifth Nuclear Test in North Korea


Remote Sensing, Satellite Imagery and Data Acquisition Platforms

T3.3-P1 Aerial Gamma Spectroscopy for On-Site Inspections in Winter Environments
T3.3-P2 (Y) Airborne Gamma-Spectrometry Mapping
T3.3-P3 (Y) Anomaly Detection in Remote Optical Imagery
T3.3-P4 Detection of OSI-Relevant Features Using Time-Series Radar Imagery
T3.3-P5 Ionospheric Waves Associated of Earthquakes and Nuclear Explosions Using Total Electron Content (TEC)
T3.3-P6 Repurposing the Global Network of Radiation Portal Monitors
T3.3-P7 State Provided GIS Data Sources for Treaty Verification
T3.3-P8 Subsurface, Surface and Remote Observations of Legacy Nuclear Explosion Sites
T3.3-P9 UAV-Based Mobile Gamma Spectrometry


Geophysical Methods Applied to On-Site Inspection

T3.4-P1 Analysis of Heat Transfer in a Closed Cavity Ventilated Inside
T3.4-P3 Application of the On-site Inspection Geophysical Techniques for the Detection and Identification of Subsurface Features
T3.4-P4 Dynamic Characteristics of Soil Using Geophysical Techniques in Atbara Area, Sudan
T3.4-P5 (Y) Experimental S-wave Data Acquisition and Processing Above a Tunnel
T3.4-P6 (Y) Investigation of a Remediated Sink Hole with S-Wave Seismic and Geoelectric Methods
T3.4-P7 Near Surface Geophysical Observations on the Great Cavern, Felsőpetény Testing Area, near Budapest, Hungary
T3.4-P8 (Y) Resonance Seismometry: A Toolbox for OSI
T3.4-P9 SAMS Software Functionality Enhancement
T3.4-P10 Seismological Investigations of the National Data Centre Preparedness Exercise 2015 (NPE2015)
T3.4-P11 The Guide for Tunnels and Voids Detection Using High Resolution Microgravity
T3.4-P12 Use of Data from Seismic Measurements in the Kylylahti Region, Finland, in 2016 for Further Development of Geophysical Seismic Techniques for CTBT On-Site Inspections


Fusion of Data from Different Monitoring Technologies

T3.6-P1 CTBTO Generation of Synthetic Radionuclide Spectra to Support the NDC Preparedness Exercise NPE15
T3.6-P2 Experience of Use Seismoacoustic Complex of MCSM for Monitoring of Natural and Man-Made Events
T3.6-P3 Infrasound Detection of Earthquakes in Chile
T3.6-P4 (Y) Integration Geophysical Network OVSICORI and Seismic Stations of IMS Network CTBTO
T3.6-P5 (Y) The Application of Local Seismic and Infrasound Networks as National Technical Mean

Poster Session: T2.4

Poster Session: Monday, 26 June 2017, 16:00
Posters displayed Monday to Friday inclusive


Atmospheric Background of Radioxenon

T2.4-P1 Analysis of Data from an Intercomparison Between a SAUNA II and a SAUNA III System
T2.4-P2 Considerations of Xenon-133 to Iodine-131 Ratios for Discriminating Signatures of Nuclear Test Explosions Against Normal Operational Releases from Nuclear Facilities
T2.4-P3 Description and Analysis of CTBT-Relevant Xe Isotopes Global Background Between 2010 and 2016
T2.4-P4 (Y) Experience as a Significant Tool for the Design of Gaseous Effluents Stack Monitors
T2.4-P5 How Can We Use Atmospheric Radioxenon Observations Related to the Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident at Fukushima to Better Understand IMS Observations?
T2.4-P6 RA10 New Research Reactor for Medical Isotope Production in Argentina
T2.4-P7 Radioisotopes Production in Argentina: Change of HEU to LEU and Improvements to Reduce the Emissions of Radioxenon
T2.4-P8 Radioxenon Prototype Trap Validation and Controlled Source Experiments Under the EU Council Decision VI Project
T2.4-P9 Reactor Simulations Characterizing Xenon Isotopic Ratios in Nuclear Power Plants
T2.4-P10 (Y) Results and Outcomes in Xenon Mitigation under the EU Council Decision V
T2.4-P11 (Y) Setting the 2014 Baseline for Simulated Activity Concentrations of Four Radioxenon Isotopes at IMS Sites Based on Estimated Annual Releases of Known Sources
T2.4-P12 SIMPAX: A Prototype Software Application Simulating the Impact of Radioxenon Emissions from Civil Sources on IMS Stations
T2.4-P13 Stack Release Data Analysis: Progress and Expected Outcomes
T2.4-P14 Start-Up and Calibration of INVAP Stack Air Effluent Monitor
T2.4-P15 Statistical Technique for Estimation of Global Isotopes Releases Affecting Test Detection
T2.4-P16 The Determination of Radioxenon by the Study of Ratationally Ineslatic Dynamics
T2.4-P17 Towards a Better Noble Gas Characterization Scheme Based on 10 Years of National Data Centers (NDC) Analysis
T2.4-P18 Updated Worldwide Background of CTBT-Relevant Xenon Isotopes
T2.4-P19 Use of IMS Data and Its Potential for Research Through Global Noble Gas Concentration Maps
T2.4-P20 WOSMIP 6: Harvesting Results from Intensified Cooperation Between the Nuclear Explosion Monitoring and Isotope Production Communities
T2.4-P21 Xenon Radioisotope Signatures from NPP Power Variations and Their Impact on the CTBTO Verification Regime

Poster Session: T1.5, T3.1

Poster Session: Tuesday, 27 June 2017, 17:00
Posters displayed Monday to Friday inclusive


Civil, Scientific and Industrial Applications of IMS data and IDC Products

T1.5-P1 'Seismic Cycle’ and Occurrence of Large Earthquakes
T1.5-P2 Active Lineaments Mapping Within Karonga Area
T1.5-P3 (Y) Assessment of Seismic Hazard Potentials in Zimbabwe
T1.5-P4 (Y) Contribution of the IMS Seismic Stations and Products in Localization of the 28 March 2016 Okavango Delta Event
T1.5-P5 Disaster Prediction Through Pattern Informatics Applied on Global Seismological Data
T1.5-P6 Earthquake Safety: An Important Contribution of CTBT Seismic Monitoring Data
T1.5-P7 Important Results Obtained from Data of Kazakhstan Seismic Arrays
T1.5-P8 Litho-Stratigraphic and Structural Controls on the Groundwater Flow Dynamics and Hydrogeochemical Setting of the Mekelle Outlier and Surroundings, Northern Ethiopia
T1.5-P9 (Y) Profile of Radionuclide Particulate Monitoring in Indonesia
T1.5-P10 Response of the Kathmandu Valley Sediments During the 2015 Gorkha Earthquake Sequence
T1.5-P11 Seismic Hazard Assessment of the Caucasus
T1.5-P12 Seismic Microzonation and Site Effect Response of Al Auja District
T1.5-P13 Seismic Velocity Models and Their Improvement
T1.5-P14 Seismicity and seismo-tectonic environment at regions of nuclear energetics critical facilities location in Kazakhstan
T1.5-P15 Seismicity of Semipalatinsk Test Site Territory by Data of Kazakhstan Monitoring Network
T1.5-P16 Seismotectonic Implications of the 20 May 1990 South Sudan Earthquake
T1.5-P17 Strategy for the Popularization of the Virtual Data Exploitation Centre (vDEC) in West Africa
T1.5-P18 Teleseismic Study of Ecuador Earthquake Using IMS Stations in Africa
T1.5-P19 (Y) The Use of CTBTO IMS data on Atmospheric Radioactivity Monitoring Following the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident
T1.5-P20 Trend Analysis of Cesium-137 Concentrations Observed in Kuwait Before and After Fukushima Nuclear Disaster
T1.5-P21 (Y) Understanding Future Landslide Hazards: 12 March Earthquake, West, and 29 March 2014 Landslide, East of Anjouan-Island, Comoros.
T1.5-P22 (Y) Upgrading Geological Fault Information Using the Last Shallow Seismic Events
T1.5-P23 Using of IMS Infrasound Stations for Tsunami Warning in the Antarctic Peninsula
T1.5-P24 Validation of Tsunami Potency Determination Using Calculation of Rupture Duration (Tdur), Dominant Period (Td) and T50Ex


Design of Sensor Systems and Advanced Sensor Technologies

T3.1-P1 'CARD’: Characterization of Adjoint Response for Ge Detectors
T3.1-P2 (Y) A Genuinely Novel Method to Identifying Gamma Rays in Region of Infrared Spectrum
T3.1-P3 A Novel Three Component Optical Seismometer Based on the Moiré Technique
T3.1-P4 (Y) A Quantitative Investigation of the Performance of Three-Component Optical Seismometer
T3.1-P5 A Seismic Noise Survey of Western Kazakhstan
T3.1-P6 (Y) A Testing Environment for Airborne Optical Sensors
T3.1-P7 Adding Wireless Capabilities to an IMS Portable Infrasound Array
T3.1-P8 (Y) Ag@zeolite: Toward the Miniaturization of the NG Process
T3.1-P9 Automated Testing and Our RASA Software Development Environment
T3.1-P10 Autonomous Intelligent Sensor Systems
T3.1-P11 CLYC Scintillators: A Possible Enhancement for Handheld OSI Detectors
T3.1-P12 (Y) Colombian Seismological Network and Its Challenges
T3.1-P13 Cross-Calibration of Airborne and Ground Based Gamma Radiation Survey Techniques Under On-Site Inspection Conditions
T3.1-P14 (Y) Design and Simulation of a Leaser-Interferometer Broadband Seismometer
T3.1-P16 (Y) Developing a Low Cost Shout Down MEMS Base Accelerometer Suitable for Rapid Response and Structural Applications
T3.1-P17 Development and performance of Cosmic Guard and Compton Suppression System for Environmental Radiological Analysis
T3.1-P18 Development of a Field Portable Ar-37 Monitoring Capability
T3.1-P19 Development of Si-PIN Diodes Detection Unit for Noble Gas Systems ARIX
T3.1-P20 Development of U.S. NDC Performance Metrics Through Large Scale Analysis of System Log Files With Hadoop Distributed File System Based Tools
T3.1-P21 Developments in IMS Infrasound Array Geometry Tools
T3.1-P22 Implementation of New Technologies at the IMS Radionuclide Particulate Stations
T3.1-P23 Improving MDC in the Radionuclide Particulate RASA System
T3.1-P24 Improving Metadata Accuracy Within Seismic Networks
T3.1-P25 IMS Equipment Challenges for Waveform Technologies
T3.1-P26 Infrasound Isolation Chamber for Improved Sensor Calibration
T3.1-P27 Installation and Testing of a Cosmic Veto System at the IMS Station RN67, St Helena
T3.1-P28 Next Generation Noble Gas System for the IMS Network
T3.1-P29 Operational Interface and Capability of a Carborne Survey Instrument Developed for the PTS Under US CiK
T3.1-P30 Perspective Model of Portative Field In-Situ Spectrometer-Identifier of Gamma Isotopes
T3.1-P31 SAUNA III New Beta Detector Performance
T3.1-P32 Sensing Ionospheric Disturbances Using a Large GNSS Network
T3.1-P33 (Y) Snapshot Hyperspectral Imaging: Hand-held Image Acquisition for Ground Inspection
T3.1-P34 System Tests of OSIRIS: A Spectrum-Blind Gamma-Ray Spectrometer for On-Site Inspections under the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty
T3.1-P35 The Calibration of IMS Seismic and Hydroacoustic T-Phase Stations
T3.1-P36 The Problem of the Precise Second on Earthquake Recorders
T3.1-P37 The Radiological Field Training Simulator (RaFTS)/Spectroscopic Injection Pulser (SIP) for Radiation Detection Training Without Radiation Sources in On-Site Inspection
T3.1-P38 The SAUNA CUBE Project: A New Concept in Radioxenon Detection Using Noble Gas System Arrays
T3.1-P39 Unmanned Radiation Measurements
T3.1-P40 Using Antineutrinos to Verify the Nuclear Nature of a Suspect Nuclear Test Based on Seismic Event Coincidence
T3.1-P41 Wind Noise Reduction Systems in the International Monitoring System Infrasound Network
T3.1-P42 Xenon International: A New Capability for Radioxenon Measurements

Poster Session: T2.1

Poster Session: Tuesday, 27 June 2017, 17:00
Posters displayed Monday to Friday inclusive


Treaty-Relevant Events

T2.1-P1 (Y) Eight Years on Since the Upgrade of the Eskdalemuir, UK, Seismic Array: Network Advances and New Observations
T2.1-P2 Absolute and Relative Body Wave Magnitudes of Five DPRK Events as Measured by the IDC
T2.1-P3 Absolute and Relative Location at the IDC: Five DPRK Events
T2.1-P4 Analysis Spectral and Focal Mechanism of Likely Nuclear Explosion in North Korea January 2016
T2.1-P5 Atmospheric Transport Modelling Assessing Chances to Detect Radionuclides Released from the Known DPRK Test Site
T2.1-P6 Atmospheric Transport Modelling for Radionuclide Monitoring after the Nuclear Tests of the DPRK on 6 January and 9 September 2016
T2.1-P7 Estimation of a Relative Depth and Yield of DPRK’s Third and Fourth UNE
T2.1-P8 Events Discrimination and Source Parameters Using Moment Tensor Inversion
T2.1-P9 Identification of Seismic Signals from Underground Nuclear Explosion Produced at DPRK Test Site
T2.1-P10 Improving Our Understanding of Explosion Seismic Waves from the Nevada Source Physics Experiments
T2.1-P11 IMS Radioxenon Monitoring after the Announced Nuclear Tests of the DPRK on 6 January and 9 September 2016
T2.1-P12 North Korea's Nuclear Tests 2016
T2.1-P13 (Y) Nuclear Event Fallout Inhomogeneity on Small- and Medium-Scale in Meadows and Forests
T2.1-P14 Registration of Events from DPRK Test Site in 2016 by Facilities of Main Center of Special Monitoring
T2.1-P15 (Y) Review of Explosive Yield Estimation
T2.1-P16 Romania National Data Centre Contribution to Nuclear Test Monitoring
T2.1-P17 Summing Particulates and Noble Gas Spectra to Improve Detection Sensitivity and Reduce Statistical Uncertainty
T2.1-P18 The Seismic Event in North Korea 9 September 2016

Poster Session: T1.4, T3.5, T3.7, T5.4

Poster Session: Wednesday, 28 June 2017, 16:00
Posters displayed Monday to Friday inclusive


Hydroacoustics and Physical Properties of the Oceans

T1.4-P1 Data Processing Technique for T-phase and Tsunami Signals Recorded by IMS Hydrophone Triplets
T1.4-P2 Establishment of the IMS Hydroacoustic Station HA04, Crozet Islands, France
T1.4-P3 Exploiting Recent Plentiful Detections at H03 and H11
T1.4-P4 (Y) Numerical Tsunami Modelling of the 2 March 2016 Southwest of Sumatra Earthquake (M = 7.8)
T1.4-P5 Observations of a Coherent Signal in the High-Frequency Range of IMS Hydrophones (105-108Hz) at Station HA08, Diego Garcia, Indian Ocean
T1.4-P6 Progress in the Studies on the Next Generation Cabled IMS Hydroacoustic Stations
T1.4-P7 Risk Management and Program Execution
T1.4-P8 (Y) Tsunami Waves Generated by Earthquakes and Landslides: Computed by Means of Numerical Simulations in the Western Black Sea


Data Processing and Interpretation

T3.5-P1 Addressing the Challenges of Displaying Geotechnical Information in 3D Environments
T3.5-P2 Advancing the Practice of Seismology in Iraq
T3.5-P3 (Y) Amplitude Attenuation and Applied in Earthquake and Explosion Identification
T3.5-P4 (Y) Analyzing of Seismic Recording in Frequency Domain at Nuclear Bomb Explosion: Case Study North Korea's Nuclear Test
T3.5-P5 (Y) Anomalous Signal Before Indonesia’s Large Earthquakes 2011 Detected by Superconducting Gravimeter
T3.5-P6 (Y) Comparison of Analysis Methods to Identify Radioxenon Isotopes
T3.5-P7 Comprehensive Seismic Monitoring: Developments at the USGS National Earthquake Information Center
T3.5-P8 (Y) Contrasting 3D Visualization of Different OSI Data Types with More Standard 2D Representation
T3.5-P9 Correlation Detection of Uncertain Seismic Signals
T3.5-P10 Data Analysing for Supporting the CTBTO’s Treaty by the National Data Center Suriname
T3.5-P11 Deploying ENIAB in Cloud Platform
T3.5-P12 Detection Capability of the IMS Seismic Network in 2013
T3.5-P13 (Y) Developments at the UK National Data Centre for Radionuclide Analysis
T3.5-P14 Digital Revolution in Gamma Acquisition Systems: Costs and Benefits
T3.5-P15 Distributed Seismic Event Detection Analytics at the Edge
T3.5-P16 Evaluating West Eurasian Clusters of Infrasound Arrivals in Analyst-Reviewed Bulletins of the International Data Centre
T3.5-P17 Expert Technical Analysis Improvements at the International Data Center, CTBTO
T3.5-P18 (Y) Extended NDC-in-a-Box Implementation for Mongolian NDC
T3.5-P19 Finding Aftershocks with Waveform Cross-Correlation
T3.5-P20 Hypercomplex and High-Order Master Event Design for CTBT Monitoring
T3.5-P21 IDC Re-Engineering Phase 2: Analysis Interface Improvements
T3.5-P22 IDC Re-Engineering Phase 2: Software Architecture and Data Model
T3.5-P23 Identification of Explosions and Earthquakes Using Infrasound and Seismic Data
T3.5-P24 (Y) Importancy of Noise Level at CTBTO Facilities
T3.5-P25 Improving Geophysical Data Processing and Research With Multi-Cloud Environments
T3.5-P26 Introduction of the Results of a New Automatic Association System for Waveform Data Analysis
T3.5-P27 (Y) Methodology for Volcanic Monitoring Using the Processing and Analysis of Geospatial Data and Its Implementation in the "Concepción" Volcano of Nicaragua
T3.5-P28 (Y) Mining Explosion Identification Using Seismic and Infrasound Station Data
T3.5-P29 Monitoring of Tropical Cyclones Using Seismic and Infrasonic Stations Surrounding the South-Western Indian Ocean
T3.5-P30 Negative Evidence: The Non-Use of Non-Detections in IDC Seismic Data Processing
T3.5-P31 Observing the Variability of Earth's Microseisms Through Signal Coherency Analysis
T3.5-P32 (Y) On the Usability of Event Zero Time Determinations Using Xenon Isotopic Activity Ratios Given the Real Atmospheric Background Observations
T3.5-P33 Optimizing Atmospheric Monitoring Networks Using Bayesian Methods and Genetic Algorithms for Multiple Objectives
T3.5-P34 Real Time Monitoring Data Application and Simulation Researches for Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Mitigation
T3.5-P35 (Y) Relocation of Seismicity in Northern East of Egypt: Contribution of Different Regional Seismic Networks
T3.5-P36 Research on Recognition Technology for Weak Explosion Signals
T3.5-P37 Seismic Monitoring Evolution and Extensive Seismicity of Egypt
T3.5-P38 Seismic Monitoring Technology of Weak Earthquakes and Explosions on the Based of Solution the Seismic Moment Tensor Inverse Problem
T3.5-P39 Seismic Monitoring Using Arrays in the Middle East
T3.5-P40 Some Results of Low-Magnitude Seismicity Recording in Belarus
T3.5-P41 Special Noise Field Characteristics of a Small Aperture Seismic Array on the Southeast Coast of China
T3.5-P42 (Y) Static Corrections to Improve Detection, Location and Measurement of Seismic Discriminants at IMS Arrays
T3.5-P43 Surface Reflection Arrivals from Shallow Small Magnitude Explosions Using the Cepstrum Technique: A Numerical Analysis
T3.5-P44 The Benefit of Using Higher Sampled Regional Seismic Data for Determining Cepstral Depths of Shallow Events
T3.5-P45 The Correction of Coincidence Summing Effect in Filter Sample Measurement with HPGe Spectrometer
T3.5-P46 The IDC Re-Engineering Project, Phase 2
T3.5-P47 The IMS Seismic Network Used to Support and Mitigate Volcanic Risk with One Single Station Method
T3.5-P48 Theoretical and Experimental Analyses of Infrasound-Electromagnetic Data Fusion
T3.5-P49 Time Series Classification Using Covariance Descriptors
T3.5-P50 (Y) Time Series Reconstruction as a Preventive Maintenance Tool for the Radionuclide IMS Data
T3.5-P51 Towards a New Paradigm for the Interactive Analysis of Waveform Data
T3.5-P52 US Navy’s "Full Ship Shock Trials" as Opportunities for USGS and CTBTO Seismic System Evaluation and Calibration
T3.5-P53 Update of the Evaluated Radioxenon Nuclear Decay Data
T3.5-P54 Using Reflection Green's Functions Extracted from Ambient Seismic Noise and Signal for IMS Seismic Station Site Crustal Reflector Characterization
T3.5-P55 (Y) Velocity Model of Seymareh Region: Southwest of Iran Using Local Seismic Network Data
T3.5-P56 Wind Seismic Noise Introduced by External Infrastructure: Field Data and Transfer Mechanism
T3.5-P57 Model of Xe Radionuclides Measurements on Noble Gas System with a Long Cycle of Sampling
T3.5-P58 (Y) Monitoring earthquakes in Colombia since 1993



T3.7-P1 (Y) A Method to Improve Relative Earthquake Locations Using Surface Waves
T3.7-P2 A Review of the Most Frequently Applied Seismic P-Wave Picking Algorithms
T3.7-P3 Application of Diffusion Maps for Seismic Event Characterization in Israel
T3.7-P4 Automated Techniques for Waveform Correlation Applied to Regional Monitoring of Eastern Asia
T3.7-P5 Automatic Classification of Seismic P and S Wave Signals Using Multiple Parameters, Frequency Ranges and Artificial Neural Network
T3.7-P6 Automatic Identification of Repeated Industrial Seismicity in the Reviewed Event Bulletin
T3.7-P7 Compressive Sensing and Sparsity Based Method for Time-Frequency Distribution Optimization
T3.7-P8 Earthquake Event Detection and Separation from Local Noise Using SVM Classifier
T3.7-P9 Enhancement of Cepstral Methods for the Improved Processing of Seismic Data
T3.7-P10 Non-Linear Kernel Methods for Seismic Event Characterization
T3.7-P11 Peak Search and Fitting Techniques for Analysis of the Radioxenon Beta-Gamma Coincidence Spectra
T3.7-P12 The Use of Waveform Cross-Correlation for Detection, Relative Location and Magnitude Estimation of Repeated Mining Blasts: The Jordan Phosphate Mine Eshidiya


Capacity Building, Education and Public Awareness

T5.4-P1 Third Cycle On-Site Inspection (OSI) Surrogate Inspector Training: Positive Outcomes on the Local Level
T5.4-P2 A CTBTO Semester-Long Simulation Course in International Relations Curriculum as a Method of Developing the Students’ Professional Skills
T5.4-P3 Advancement of CTBT Academic Curricula in South-South Nigeria
T5.4-P4 (Y) Back to Basics: Building the Next Generation of Indian Nuclear Experts
T5.4-P5 Challenges and Advances in Implementation of CTBTO Facilities and Supports in Senegal
T5.4-P6 (Y) Cooperation Between Cameroon, CTBTO and Others Parties: Capacity Building, Education and Public Awareness
T5.4-P7 CTBT Educational Materials as a Tool for Sensitization and Internal Training
T5.4-P8 Current Awareness of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty in Nigeria
T5.4-P9 Diversified Education on CTBT in Beijing Language and Culture University
T5.4-P10 Expanding the Use of the CTBT Educational Resources Among the Academics in West Africa
T5.4-P11 FSUE VNIIA Activities Related to CTBT Technologies
T5.4-P12 IMS Network in Papua New Guinea and the Utilization for the Benefits of the Local and Regional Monitoring Systems
T5.4-P13 Integrating Knowledge Generated by CTBT in Teaching Nuclear Science and Engineering
T5.4-P14 Introducing m-Science Systems for Engaging Broader Community to the Needs of Nuclear Test Monitoring and Verification
T5.4-P15 Jordan Seismological Observatory and IMS
T5.4-P16 Malawi Seismicity and Seismic Network from 1900-2016
T5.4-P17 Mongolian National Data Centre
T5.4-P18 Monitoring for Nuclear Explosions
T5.4-P19 NDC Training 2.0: From Training Analysts to Training NDCs
T5.4-P20 Nuclear Pacific: An International Public Inquiry on French Nuclear Weapons Testing in French Polynesia
T5.4-P21 (Y) Potential Benefits of CTBTO to Iraq
T5.4-P22 Public Awareness and Capacity Building
T5.4-P23 Public Awareness Creation of National Data Centres in Africa
T5.4-P24 (Y) Relevance of the Capacity Building System (CBS) in Zambia's NDC
T5.4-P25 (Y) Scientific Community: Its Role in Nuclear Disarmament
T5.4-P26 Seismic Monitoring and its Analysis in Kyrgyzstan
T5.4-P27 (Y) The CTBT as a useful tool for Myanmar's students in Nuclear Age
T5.4-P28 (Y) The Hidden Potential of Nuclear Research Centres Collaborations
T5.4-P29 The IS35 and AS067 IMS Infrasound and Auxiliary Seismic Station in Tsumeb, Namibia
T5.4-P30 The Role of Small States in Monitoring Nuclear Explosions: The Case of Kazakhstan
T5.4-P31 The Significance of National Data Centres Established in West Africa
T5.4-P32 The Status of the CTBTO Link to the ISC Database
T5.4-P34 Enhancing Public Awareness of the CTBTO/ CTBT Among Youth
T5.4-P35 Regional Denuclearization in South Pacific: Failures and Successes after 30 years

Poster Session: T1.1

Poster Session: Wednesday, 28 June 2017, 16:00
Posters displayed Monday to Friday inclusive


Infrasound and Atmospheric Dynamics

T1.1-P1 Advances on the Volcanic Parameter System with Infrasound Data
T1.1-P2 An Assessment of Infrasound Events in the REBs Produced in the Year 2016
T1.1-P3 (Y) Applications for Aircraft Infrasound Detections
T1.1-P4 Are Measurements of Infrasonic Signal Duration Useful in the Context of Nuclear Explosion Monitoring?
T1.1-P5 (Y) Automated Detection and Cataloging of Global Explosive Volcanism Using the IMS Infrasound Network
T1.1-P6 Comparative Near-Field and Far-Field Studies Using IMS Infrasound Data
T1.1-P7 Detection and Interpretation of Seismoacoustic Events at German Infrasound Stations
T1.1-P8 Detection Patterns for Two IMS Infrasound Stations in the Vicinity of the North Korean Test Site
T1.1-P9 Global Infrasound Association at the IDC: Advances and Performances
T1.1-P10 IMS Infrasound Records of Announced Rocket Launches
T1.1-P11 (Y) Incorporating Realistic Terrain Boundary Conditions into Numerical Infrasound Propagation Modelling
T1.1-P12 InfraGA/GeoAc: An Open Source Infrasonic Ray Tracing Tool
T1.1-P13 Infrasound Signals and Their Source Location Inferred from Array Deployment in the Lützow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica: 2015
T1.1-P14 Joint Processing of Pressure Pulsations and Wind Velocity Data at Infrasound Stations
T1.1-P15 Localization of Microbaroms Detected by I17CI and I11CV in IMS Data
T1.1-P16 Long-Range Infrasound Detections of Volcanic Activity by IS42 Station, Azores, Portugal
T1.1-P17 Optimization Methods of Network Parametric Selection of Infrasound Signal Sources
T1.1-P18 PTS Portable Infrasound Array in Romania
T1.1-P19 Some Results of Recording Infrasound and Internal Gravity Waves from Atmospheric Fronts
T1.1-P20 Temporal Variability of Infrasound Propagation and Detectability in the European Arctic
T1.1-P21 The Acoustic Signature of Underground Chemical Explosions During the Source Physics Experiment
T1.1-P22 The European Infrasound Bulletin
T1.1-P23 (Y) The First Infrasound Array in Hungary
T1.1-P24 (Y) Using IMS IS13 and IS14 Stations to Analyse Strong Seismic and Volcanic Activity in Chile

Poster Session: T1.2, T3.2, T4.1, T5.1

Poster Session: Thursday, 29 June 2017, 16:00
Posters displayed Monday to Friday inclusive


Solid Earth Structure

T1.2-P1 3D Shear Velocity Model of the Eastern and Southern Alps from Ambient Noise Tomography
T1.2-P2 (Y) A Framework of Ground Truth Event Locations Across Iran from a Two Tiered Multi-Event Relocation Approach
T1.2-P3 Amplitude-Dependent Station Magnitude
T1.2-P4 (Y) An Innovated Earthquake Modelling Technique for Near Source Modelling
T1.2-P5 (Y) Analysis of Relationship Between Deformation Area and Moment Magnitude (Mw) of Earthquake in Subduction Zone of Indo-Australian Plate
T1.2-P6 Analysis of Stress State of Caucasus (Azerbaijan) Based on the Maximum Horizontal Stress Orientations and "World Stress Map" Technique
T1.2-P7 (Y) Analysis of Variations in the Earthquakes Effects Based on the Bouguer Anomaly Map
T1.2-P8 (Y) Analysis on Earthquake Relocation Using Modified Joint Hypocenter Determination (MJHD) and Double Difference (DD) (Case Study of Kebumen Earthquake 25 January 2014 in Mw: 6.2)
T1.2-P9 Attenuation of Seismic Waves in Gheshm Area, Southeast Iran
T1.2-P10 Crust and Uppermost Mantle Structure Beneath Southern Africa Based on First P-Wave Travel Times from Seismograms Generated by Local, Regional and Mining-Induced Earthquakes
T1.2-P11 Crust-Upper Mantle Structure and Seismic Hazards Studies for National Planning and Development in Nigeria
T1.2-P12 (Y) Crustal Deformation Revealed by GPS in Greater Caucasus, Azerbaijan
T1.2-P13 Crustal Structure of the Amazon Craton, Brazil
T1.2-P15 Determination Site Effect of Zarqa City and Hashemite University Campus Based on Microtremors Field Measurements: A Microzonation Study
T1.2-P17 (Y) Distribution of Seismic Wave Amplification Based on Comparation Between Surface and Bedrock Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) (Case Study: Java Island)
T1.2-P18 Global-Scale Joint Body and Surface Wave Tomography with Vertical Transverse Isotropy for Seismic Monitoring Applications
T1.2-P19 (Y) Ground Truth Procedure to Improve the Seismic Locations, Velocity Model and Focal Mechanics Bulletin for Bolivia
T1.2-P20 (Y) Identification of the Existences of the Mud Volcanoes Beneath East Java-Indonesia Region Using Ambient Noise Tomography Method
T1.2-P21 Illuminating More of the Earth Via Sensors on Transoceanic Telecommunications Cables
T1.2-P22 (Y) Improved Seismic Travel Times in Central and Northern Costa Rica for Accurate Earthquake Location
T1.2-P23 (Y) Improving the Analysis Method of ULF Geomagnetic Data for Earthquake Precursor Monitoring in the Sumatera Region
T1.2-P24 Investigations Aimed at Enhancing the Effectiveness of Seismic Monitoring in West Kazakhstan
T1.2-P25 (Y) Monitoring Seismic Velocity Changes Using Ambient Seismic Noise
T1.2-P26 Seismic Site Effect Estimation Using Microtremor Studies in the Archaeological City Jerash in Jordan
T1.2-P27 Seismic Structure of West Africa from Surface Wave Tomography Using Regional Earthquakes and Ambient Seismic Noise
T1.2-P28 Seismic wave attenuation in the Baikal Rift System
T1.2-P29 Seismicity and Seismotectonics of the Sudan and South Sudan
T1.2-P30 (Y) Seismicity of Botswana for the Period 1950-2016
T1.2-P31 Site Effect in Archaeological City Jerash in Jordan
T1.2-P32 Source Process of the Mw = 5.1, Phalla (Islamabad) Earthquake and Its Tectonic Perspective
T1.2-P33 (Y) States of Local Stresses and Relative Locations of Small Earthquakes in the Sea of Marmara
T1.2-P34 (Y) Statistical Analysis of Seismic Bulletin in Egypt
T1.2-P35 Synthetic Seismograms of Explosive Sources Calculated by the Earth Simulator
T1.2-P36 The Preliminary Tidal Analysis Based on the CG-5 AUTOGRAV Gravity Measurements at Lenkaran Station (Azerbaijan)
T1.2-P37 (Y) The Seismic Activity of the Lake Kivu Basin: Need of a Large Seismic Network


Laboratories Including Mobile and Field-Based Facilities

T3.2-P1 (Y) Determination of Fission Radionuclides Sr-90 and Pu-242 in Water Samples
T3.2-P2 (Y) Gamma-Gamma Coincidence Analysis of the 2015 Proficiency Test Exercise (PTE)
T3.2-P3 Iranian Radionuclide Laboratory (IRL): Gas Extraction and Volume Measurement Set-Up
T3.2-P4 Laboratory Analysis of Radioxenon Samples as a Support of the IMS Network
T3.2-P5 OSI Laboratory Sample Ganging: Characterization of Multisample Holder Positions to Screen Out the Samples
T3.2-P6 Shielding of Portable High Purity Germanium Detectors for Use in Stand Alone Configuration


Performance Optimization and Systems Engineering

T4.1-P1 Advances in State of Health Analysis for International Monitoring Systems
T4.1-P2 Assessment of the Quality of the Interactive Analysis and Reviewed Event Bulletin During the September 2016 Experiment
T4.1-P3 Business Intelligence Software as a Self-Service Data Analysis Platform for the CTBTO
T4.1-P5 Cloud Data Center Based on Big Data Processing and Collaborative Management and its Application in the CTBT Verification System
T4.1-P6 (Y) Constraints from Transport Times and Minimum Detectable Activity on the Analysis of Low-Activity Samples at CTBT Radionuclide Laboratories
T4.1-P7 Contribution of RN-52 Generated Data in the Establishment of Radioactivity Data Base in the Philippines
T4.1-P8 Digital GPS: Challenges of GPS Signals in High Noise Areas
T4.1-P10 Free Space Optics (FSO) Systems as Alternative Back-Up Links for NDCs and IMS Stations
T4.1-P11 Identification and Evaluation of Resource Constraints: Optimization of AFTAC’s Configuration Management Process
T4.1-P12 Improving Detection Quality of Primary IMS Seismic Stations
T4.1-P13 IMS Reporting System and Incident Management in Operations Centre
T4.1-P14 Life Cycle Modelling Data Required to Sustain the International Monitoring System
T4.1-P15 Monitoring Indications of High-Purity Germanium Detector Failure
T4.1-P16 National Data Centre at Royal Science and Technology Park, Swaziland
T4.1-P17 Quality Assessment of Meteorological Data from CTBTO/IMS Radionuclide Stations
T4.1-P18 RASA Detector Calibrations: Field Automation and Potential for Factory Calibrations to Replace Field Calibrations
T4.1-P19 Selected Research Activities of Turkish NDC
T4.1-P20 (Y) Sharing Local Seismic Networks Data to Complete Instrumental Gaps of CTBTO Global Network
T4.1-P21 The Radionuclide Network Quality Control Programme
T4.1-P22 The WNRS of IS48TN Infrasound Station: Problems and Solutions
T4.1-P23 Thermal Insulation System and Automatic Heating of Air Sampler "SNOW WHITE" for IMS Radionuclide Station (for Example Station RN61 (Dubna)).
T4.1-P24 Times for IMS Waveform Data Requested/Queried from the CTBT Secure Web Portal (SWP) Different from the Time Specified in the Query/Request
T4.1-P25 uniDDS: A unified Data Distribution Approach for the International Monitoring System
T4.1-P26 (Y) Importance of local network in processing discrimination of sources


Science in Support of Global Policy Decisions

T5.1-P1 (Y) Government Policies and Global Strategic Governance for Planetary Sustainability, Control of Nuclear Energy and the Elimination of Nuclear Tests
T5.1-P2 Impacts of Nuclear Energy and the Lack of Strategic Governance for the Elimination of the Explosions and the Decrease of Collateral Risks
T5.1-P3 Potential Contributions of CTBTO to the Full Implementation and Complement of the Pelindaba Treaty
T5.1-P4 Radio-Ecological Monitoring of the Uranium Mining in the Mountain Areas
T5.1-P5 Science in Support of International Treaties and Sustainable Development Goals

Poster Session: T1.3

Poster Session: Thursday, 29 June 2017, 16:00
Posters displayed Monday to Friday inclusive


Atmospheric and Subsurface Radionuclide Dispersion and Depletion

T1.3-P1 Assessment of Radionuclides Dispersal in Seawater from Fukushima Disaster to the Coastline of Vietnam
T1.3-P2 (Y) Atmospheric Dispersion of Radionuclides Originating from Hypothetical Accidents in Turkish Nuclear Power Plants
T1.3-P3 Atmospheric Transport Modelling for the Radionuclides Detection of Northeast Asia in 2010
T1.3-P4 Atmospheric Transport Model Applied to the Design of Medical Isotope Production Facilities
T1.3-P5 (Y) Capability of HYSPLIT Dispersion Model in Fukushima Disaster
T1.3-P6 Comparison of Atmospheric Transport Models (ATM) Used in Decision Support in the Framework of the Austrian Radiological Emergency Response Preparedness
T1.3-P7 (Y) Evaluation of the Inline WRF-HYSPLIT Model for Mesoscale Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion
T1.3-P8 Gas-Magma Interactions in Nuclear Cavities and Their Effects on the Xenon Isotope Ratios
T1.3-P10 Geologic Control on Noble Gas Migration
T1.3-P11 Impacts of Eruptions of Volcanoes Around Korean Peninsula: Simulation for Hypothetic Eruptions by Using LADAS-VA Model
T1.3-P12 Improved Evaluation of Atmospheric Flow and Transport over Complex Terrain at Multiple-Scales with Uncertainty
T1.3-P13 Influence of Resolution on the Performance of FLEXPART with ECMWF Data in the ATM Challenge 2016
T1.3-P14 Influence of Small-Scale Radioxenon Sources on the Background Levels at CTBT IMS Monitoring Stations
T1.3-P15 Intercomparison Study Between Different Types of Models for the Dry Deposition of I-131
T1.3-P16 La-140 and Ba-140 Background from IMS Particles Stations
T1.3-P17 Monitoring of Naturally Occurring Radionuclides in Paleobeach Groundwater Aquifers in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, For Up To 3 Years: Insight into Formation Mechanism
T1.3-P18 (Y) Non-Equilibrium Model of Multi-Phase Radionuclide Transport in Lake Water-Sediment System
T1.3-P19 Performance Assessment of the High-Resolution Atmospheric Transport Model at the IDC of the CTBTO
T1.3-P20 (Y) Sorption of Noble Gases in Porous Media and the Impact on Nuclear Explosion Signatures
T1.3-P21 Sources and Concentrations of Cs-137 in Kuwait