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CTBT Science and Technology 2019 Conference
Hofburg, Vienna, Austria
24 Jun 2019 - 28 Jun 2019
Themes & Topics
Side Events
Theme 1. The Earth as a Complex System
T1.1 Atmospheric Dynamics
Oral Presentations
T1.1-O1 Application of advanced data assimilation techniques to improve atmospheric transport and dispersion predictions
T1.1-O2 Assessing middle atmosphere weather models using LiDAR and ambient noise: a case study for IS26
T1.1-O3 Atmospheric boundary layer as a laboratory for modeling infrasound propagation and scattering in the atmosphere
T1.1-O4 Climate change through the eyes of radioisotopes
T1.1-O5 Detection efficiency of the IMS for Bolides
T1.1-O6 NEMO - a global near real-time fireball monitoring system
T1.1-O7 Recording of internal gravity waves and infrasound waves from the warm and cold fronts in Moscow region
T1.1-O8 Remote monitoring volcanic eruptions using IMS infrasound data
T1.1-O9 Temperature and wind atmospheric lidars as tools for the validation of infrasound propagation models
T1.1-O10 The Effect of Atmospheric Boundary Layer on the Detected Radionuclides in Kuwait
T1.1-O11 Uncertainties in Numerical Weather Forecasting Models and infrasound simulations as observed by the ARISE project
Poster Presentations
Test Abstract
T1.1-P2 Analysis of multiple detections of May 2011 Grímsvötn (Iceland) eruptive activity at different IMS infrasound stations and its correlation with local observations
T1.1-P3 Analysis of multiple detections of Mount Etna eruptive activity at different IMS infrasound stations compared with near source observations
T1.1-P4 Application of Information Technologies for Detecting, Analyzing & Determing the Atmospheric Dynamics
T1.1-P5 ARISE project: Infrasound monitoring for civil applications
T1.1-P6 Assessing middle atmosphere weather models using LiDAR and ambient noise: a case study for IS02
T1.1-P7 Atmospheric Dynamics
T1.1-P8 Characterizing ocean ambient noise using infrasound network
T1.1-P9 Climate Change Impact & Adaptation Studies using Radionuclide Data
T1.1-P10 CORAL – An autonomous middle atmosphere lidar in southern Argentina
T1.1-P11 Estimating tropospheric and stratospheric large-scale wind components using infrasound from explosions
T1.1-P12 EUNADICS-AV tracer experiment: Modelling and model evaluation
T1.1-P13 Filling a gap in the wet scavenging scheme in FLEXPART 10.3
T1.1-P14 IDC Infrasound technology developments
T1.1-P15 Improving propagation-based, stochastic models for Bayesian infrasonic localization and characterization
T1.1-P16 Improving the infrasound monitoring capability in Europe incorporating CEEIN
T1.1-P17 Infrasound monitoring for global climate model calibration: a two-way collaboration
T1.1-P18 Infrasound propagation in multiple-scale random media using surrogate models
T1.1-P19 Large events recorded at the IMS infrasound network
T1.1-P21 Look-up tables with empirical climatologies for infrasound detection, location, and characterization of long range volcanic eruptions
T1.1-P22 On the use of infrasound observations from volcanoes for improving the weather forecasts
T1.1-P23 Probabilistic predictions and uncertainty estimation using adaptively designed ensembles for radiological plume modeling
T1.1-P25 Temporal variations of the intensity spectra of atmospheric pressure fluctuations in different frequency ranges and their possible connection with climate change
T1.1-P26 The Global and Coherent Infrasound Field: Revisiting the Reprocessing of the Full International Monitoring System Infrasound Data, Part 1: Processing
T1.1-P27 The Global and Coherent Infrasound Field: Revisiting the Reprocessing of the Full International Monitoring System Infrasound Data, Part 2: Examples
T1.1-P28 The Influence of Tropospheric Ducts on Long Range Infrasound Propagation
T1.1-P29 Tropical Cyclones Activity in Southwest Pacific and Their Link to ENSO and Sunspot
T1.1-P30 Using infrasound mobile array (I68CI) data to characterize tropical thunderstorm over West Africa
T1.2 Solid Earth Structure
Oral Presentations
T1.2-O1 3-D seismic velocity model of the Eastern Mediterranean region using body-wave tomography
T1.2-O2 Earthquake swarms and reactivation of seismicity associated with the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha earthquake in Nepal
T1.2-O3 Estimation of local seismic activity by deterministic hazard assessment. A case study in north-eastern of Azerbaijan
T1.2-O4 Revised local- and regional-scale velocity and attenuation models for Canada for improved earthquake/explosion location, magnitude and yield estimates
T1.2-O6 Updates to the Regional Seismic Travel Time (RSTT) Tomography Model
Poster Presentations
T1.2-P1 22 New Focal Mechanism Solutions for Shallow Earthquakes and Stress Observations for Bolivia (Plurinational State of).
T1.2-P2 3D Dynamic Earthquake Fracture Simulations Considering the Nonplanar Fault Geometry and Heterogeneous Stress States in the Sea of Marmara
T1.2-P3 A comparative study on the tectogenesis of 2015 Mt. Kinabalu Earthquake of Sabah Malaysia and tsunamigenic 2018 Sulawesi Indonesia Earthquake
T1.2-P4 A computer code for determining composite focal mechanism solutions
T1.2-P124 SALSA3D software tools for model interrogation, event location and travel-time
T1.2-P6 African Geodetic Reference Frame and First Results from GNSS Networks in Africa
T1.2-P7 Amplification of Earthquake Magnitude and Sediment Thickness Correlation in Palu Region and Surrounding Areas
T1.2-P8 An active tectonics of the Tien Shan and Dzungaria
T1.2-P9 An improved velocity model for routine hypocenter location in Central Brazil
T1.2-P11 Analysis of Time Domain Airborne Electromagnetic (TDEM) Data for Evaluating Gold Mineralization Potential of Ilesha Schist Belt, Southwestern Nigeria
T1.2-P12 Analysis of unusual seismic events in northwestern Madagascar
T1.2-P13 Are we able to detect viscoelastic inconsistencies in the Earth?
T1.2-P14 Armenian Seismic Network and Earthquake Catalogue
T1.2-P15 Changes of seismic structure beneath Jailolo region during June-July 2017 inferred from P-Wave Tomography
T1.2-P16 Clustering Geometry of Aftershocks in Earthquakes
T1.2-P18 Comparison of Mainshock and Aftershock Energy Release (Case Study: Earthquake in Sumatera and Java Subduction)
T1.2-P20 Crustal Composition and Moho Characteristics Beneath Northern African Region: New contribution for seismic Hazard Assessment
T1.2-P21 Crustal seismic structure of Gheshm region, southeast Iran
T1.2-P23 Crustal structure of some tectonic regions in West Africa
T1.2-P24 Crustal Structure Study in Mongolian Altai
T1.2-P25 Crustal thickness estimates beneath four seismic stations in Ethiopia inferred from p-wave receiver function studies
T1.2-P26 Data base from a seismic network to monitor the 2018 enhanced geothermal system stimulation in Espoo/Helsinki, Finland.
T1.2-P27 Deformational style in North-Western part of the Punjab Foreland
T1.2-P28 Detailed Hypocenters Relocation With High Resolution Analysis on Tripa Fault
T1.2-P29 Discriminating between induced, triggered and natural seismicity
T1.2-P30 Dissecting hearts of the continent in southern Africa using first P-wave tomography based on local, regional, and mining-induced earthquakes
T1.2-P31 Earthquake and Radioctivity, its Application in Indonesia
T1.2-P33 Estimation of 2D and 3D shear wave velocity structure of crust and upper mantle of Northern part of Iranian plateaus
T1.2-P34 Estimation of Local Site Effects Using Microtremor Testing in Erdenet City
T1.2-P35 Estimation of moho depth under the MDT seismic station (Midelt, Morocco) using receiver function technique
T1.2-P36 Estimation Sources, Path and Site Effects from 2018 Lombok Earthquakes Sequences
T1.2-P37 Flow plane orientation in the upper mantle under the United States from SKS shear-wave splitting observations
T1.2-P40 Geometrical definition of the Boconó fault in the sector Las Gonzalez Mérida, from the simultaneous relocation of seismic events occurring in a burst of seismicity during 2015-16
T1.2-P41 Gravity Derived Crustal Thickness Map of Botswana: Implication to the Mw 6.5 April 3, 2017, Botswana Earthquake
T1.2-P42 Ground response of Kathmandu Valley Sediments during 2015 Gorkha Earthquake
T1.2-P43 Heterogeneities of short-period S wave attenuation field in the earth’s crust and uppermost mantle of the Eastern Tien Shan
T1.2-P44 How complex is seismically active "Deren" area, 180km south of Ulaanbaatar?
T1.2-P46 Implication of Volcano-Tectonic and Fluid Movements on Seismic Activity in the Paka Geothermal Prospect
T1.2-P47 Interdependence among earthquake magnitude, ground motion attenuation and consequences for the Central Asia derived from Pamir-Hindu Kush deep earthquakes data
T1.2-P48 Investigate Seismic Sites Using Microtremor Studies and Elliptical Curve Inversion of Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio in Sleman, Yogyakarta
T1.2-P50 Investigations of the 2018 earthquake swarm in Mamasa (Sulawesi), Indonesia
T1.2-P51 Jordan Seismological Networks
T1.2-P52 Kinematics of the Suez-Sinai area from combined GPS velocity field
T1.2-P53 Lithospheric scattering and structure from teleseismic P waveforms
T1.2-P54 Local magnitude Formula Determination of Seismic Swarm at The Long-Dormant Jailolo Volcano, West Halmahera, Indonesia
T1.2-P57 Moment tensor solutions of earthquakes in south of Sumba Island (Indonesia)
T1.2-P58 Monitoring of crustal activities using oceanfloor network system for disaster resilience
T1.2-P59 Multi-disciplinary views on seismic hazard analysis in the eastern Caucasus (Azerbaijan)
T1.2-P60 On the relationship between floods and earthquake in Southern Africa
T1.2-P61 P and S wave tomography of the central Tien Shan from inversion of local earthquake arrival time data
T1.2-P63 Prediction of Earthquake Hazard in the northeast India Himalaya
T1.2-P65 Preliminary Results of Continuous Monitoring and Surface Condition of An Active Fault In The Southeast Aceh
T1.2-P66 Preliminary study of seismic hazard along the Cameroon Volcanic Line (CVL)
T1.2-P67 Preliminary Study the Impact of Directivity for Strong-Motion Effective Duration on High-Rise Building
T1.2-P68 Present-day stress field in NW Himalaya and surrounding regions based on inversion of earthquake focal mechanisms
T1.2-P69 Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment in Kenya and Its Vicinity
T1.2-P71 Properties of the high-frequency ambient seismic field recorded on a large-N (N=10,530) seismic deployment in the Vienna Basin
T1.2-P72 Receiver Function Analysis of the IMS stations located in Africa
T1.2-P73 Recent seismicity along the the Davie Ridge/Fracture zone
T1.2-P74 Relevance of National Data Centres Established in Southern Africa, the case study for Zambia
T1.2-P75 Revisiting The 2018 Kalibening Earthquake Sequence In Central Java: Call for the Revision of Earthquake Hazard
T1.2-P76 S-wave Velocity Structure beneath PS14-ROSC Station using Microtremor Arrays
T1.2-P77 Seismic Geohazard Monitoring in the Baringo Silali Geothermal Prospect in Northern Kenya
T1.2-P78 Seismic hazard assessment for Madagascar
T1.2-P80 Seismic Hazard Scenario in Western Himalaya, India
T1.2-P81 Seismic Impact from Earthquakes of Different Distance upon the Territory of Belarus
T1.2-P82 Seismic study to support PSHA in Greater Caucasus (Azerbaijan)
T1.2-P84 Seismicity along the seismogenic zone of Algarve region (southern Portugal)
T1.2-P85 Seismicity and GPS Observations for studying crustal deformation and Geodynamics in and around Egypt
T1.2-P88 Seismicity of the Okavango Delta Region: Contribution of IMS and Local stations
T1.2-P92 Seismotectonics of southern Africa
T1.2-P95 Sinkhole process interpretation based on shear wave seismic reflection results at Ghor Al-Haditha, Dead Sea
T1.2-P98 Source Process Analysis of the 28 September 2018 Palu Earthquake (Mw 7.4) Using Teleseismic Waveform
T1.2-P99 Sources of P-wave Microseisms Detected with the TA Array in Alaska
T1.2-P102 Stress/strain state colouring method for IMS data imaging
T1.2-P103 Structure of the Ulaanbaatar Region from Gravity Data
T1.2-P106 Tectonic activity and its influence in the increase of earthquakes in Iraq
T1.2-P107 Tectonic Plates Interactions and Detection Capabilities of the IMS Seismic Stations in the Africa Region
T1.2-P109 The b-value of local seismicity around Seymareh Dam (Zagros region-Iran), before and after impoundment
T1.2-P110 The Caucasus Seismic Hazard
T1.2-P112 The Minimum 1-D P-wave velocity model for a local earthquake data with precise and consistent earthquake locations in the southern Hangay region
T1.2-P113 The Relationships of Subparallel Synthetic Faults and Pre-existing structures in the Central Malawi Rift
T1.2-P114 The role of geochemical and petrographic properties of rocks on the rheology (viscosity) of magmatic systems: Involvement in wave spread and internal dynamics of the Earth, case of the Nyiragongo volcano field in the Virunga Volcanic Province (East African rift)
T1.2-P115 The Seismic Network of Zambia
T1.2-P117 Understanding Pamir-Hindukush Seismicity
T1.2-P118 Updating the Egyptian Earthquake Source Parameters Database
T1.2-P119 Upper crustal structure at the KTB drilling site from ambient noise tomography
T1.2-P120 Upper mantle imaging with surface wave diffraction: AlpArray seismic network and the Cameroon Volcanic Line
T1.2-P122 Using HV method for imaging of fault zones (the Baikal rift)
T1.2-P123 Velocity of seismic waves in the earth's crust and upper mantle of the Siberian platform and Baikal folded region according to underground nuclear explosions
T1.3 Properties of the Ocean
Oral Presentations
T1.3-O1 Analysis of hydroacoustic signals associated to the loss of the Argentinian ARA San Juan submarine
T1.3-O2 Calculation of Hydroacoustic Propagation and Conversion to Seismic Phases at T-Stations
T1.3-O3 CTBTO’s contribution to the search of the missing Argentine submarine ARA San Juan
T1.3-O4 Hydroacoustic Signatures “Petition” for Social Change: Curating Hydroacoustic Data to Strengthen the Implementation of Environmental Dimensions of the SDGs
T1.3-O5 Distributed detection framework and three-dimensional propagation model for acoustic detection of baleen whales.
T1.3-O6 Enabling Technology to Extend Life and Utility of Hydroacoustic Systems
T1.3-O7 Monte Carlo simulation tool for maritime operations risk reduction and enhancement of IMS hydroacoustic network sustainment
T1.3-O8 OOI Cabled Array Winched Profiler Data for Improved Hydroacoustic Analyses
T1.3-O9 Reducing ambiguity in hydroacoustic triangulation through consideration of three-dimensional propagation features
Poster Presentations
T1.3-P2 Climate of the upper ocean layer in statons of Ecuadorian sea
T1.3-P3 IMS discrimination between T-phases originating from volcanic tremors versus H-phases induced by volcanic eruptions in the northwestern Pacific Ocean
T1.3-P4 Long-range ocean sound propagation effects related to the search for the Argentine submarine ARA San Juan.
T1.3-P5 Scenario-Based Tsunami Hazard Assessment for Karpathos Island, Southeastern Aegean Sea
T1.3-P6 Simulation of Dahlia Tropical Cyclone Impact on Atmospheric Dynamic and Ocean in Sunda Strait using Delft-3D model
T1.3-P7 Subspace detection of seismic survey signals observed on the IMS hydroacoustic network
T1.3-P8 Suprapodal hydroacoustic observations of earthquakes along the Middle America Trench
T1.4 Interaction Among the Earth’s Subsystems
Oral Presentations
T1.4-O1 Atmospheric Events energy estimation based on Seismic Data.
T1.4-O2 Complex propagation of explosion-generated infrasound revealed by the large-scale AlpArray seismic network
T1.4-O3 Modulation of gas fluxes at the soil-atmosphere interface due to coupled physical, chemical and biological effects
Poster Presentations
T1.4-P1 7Be in South America: detection by IMS radionuclide stations and possible applications for climate and environmental studies
T1.4-P2 An Earthquake Precursor Using The Anomalous Radon Concentration: Study Case Palu Earthquake, Indonesia, Magnitude 7.2, September 28, 2019
T1.4-P3 Anomaly Of Total Electron Content Associated With Earthquakes And Tsunami Observed From GPS Data in Indonesia
T1.4-P4 Combined Electromagnetic (EM) and Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) Geophysical Studies of Environmental Impact of Awotan Dumpsite in Ibadan, Southwestern Nigeria
T1.4-P5 Detection of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances from an Earthquake and a Volcano Eruption: Case Study
T1.4-P6 Can Climate Change Predict and Trigger the Earthquake Activity?
T1.4-P7 Monitoring and Verification Systems for Nuclear Tests with Biological Indeces.
T1.4-P8 Monitoring of naturally occurring radionuclides in Santa Cruz - Galapagos Islands, in relation to atmospheric and ocean-atmosphere interaction processes over the Galapagos Islands and the Ecuadorian coast
T1.4-P9 Monitoring Seismic Events and Content of Isotopes on Atmospheric Aerosol of Tajikistan
T1.4-P10 Observations of Interactions Among Earth’s Subsystems from the EarthScope Transportable Array
T1.4-P11 Optimistic Monitoring earthquake Precursor in Sumatra
T1.4-P12 Seasonal variations of microseisms in the Baikal rift
T1.4-P13 Seismo-acoustic observation of the ocean swell sources at BURAR site
T1.4-P15 ThunderSeis: Seismic analysis of thunder infrasound
T1.4-P16 Use of MSM facilities for monitoring hazardous geophysical phenomena and climate change in the Antarctic Peninsula region
Theme 2. Events and Nuclear Test Sites
T2.1 Characterization of Treaty-Relevant Events
Oral Presentations
T2.1-O1 Infrasound Records Associated with the Western of Yunnan Fireball on October 4, 2017
T2.1-O2 Physical Characterization of filters from German and Sweden radiological monitoring networks with Ru-106 from 2017
T2.1-O3 Possibilities to identify cavity due to UNE using seismic wave fields
T2.1-O4 Seismic full moment tensor analysis of nuclear explosions in North Korea
T2.1-O5 Seismic Spectral Ratios between North Korean Nuclear tests: Implications for their Seismic Sources
T2.1-O6 The 2017 North Korean Nuclear Test - A Comprehensive Multi-Technology Analysis
T2.1-O7 UK NDC Analysis of IMS Radionuclide Events near to North Korea
Poster Presentations
T2.1-P1 A Seismo-Acoustic Analysis of the 2017 North Korean Nuclear Test
T2.1-P3 Analysis of Moment Magnitude (Mw) to Compare The Energy of Six North Korea's Nuclear Test with Plutonium-240
T2.1-P4 Applying radioxenon isotopic ratios for nuclear explosion monitoring
T2.1-P5 Automatic computation of MSVMAX magnitude at the French National Data Center
T2.1-P6 Candidate methods for the implementation of OSI Resonance Seismometry
T2.1-P8 Comparative analysis of the waveforms of the North Korean nuclear tests obtained by the seismological method at the Alibek station
T2.1-P9 Comparison of the DPRK aftershocks observed in 2019 with the aftershocks between September 2016 and April 2018
T2.1-P10 Data History from Nuclear power
T2.1-P11 Detection of nuclear explosions by remote regional seismic network
T2.1-P12 Determination of Body-wave Magnitudes of the North Korean Underground Nuclear Tests
T2.1-P13 Explosion Monitoring Research at the Nevada National Security Site
T2.1-P14 Focal mechanism of 2017 DPRK nuclear explosion and its collapse event
T2.1-P15 Identification of quarry blasts near BRMAR seismic array: An application of Multichannel Cross-Correlation detector.
T2.1-P16 Infrasound Signals from the 2017 North Korean Underground Nuclear Explosion and the Subsequent Collapse Event
T2.1-P17 Overview of North Korean nuclear tests based on data from modernized Slovak National Network of Seismic Stations
T2.1-P18 Overview of TIMEtool, a software for nuclear event timing
T2.1-P19 Radionuclide signatures of molten salt reactors
T2.1-P20 Relative Location of DPRK Test Events
T2.1-P21 Relative location of North Korean nuclear tests using IMS data: how do different techniques compare?
T2.1-P22 Relocation of seismic events in South Africa for ground truth identification and classification.
T2.1-P23 Representation of Complex Seismic Sources by Orthogonal Moment Tensor Fields
T2.1-P24 Seismological Investigations of the 2017 North Korean Nuclear Test
T2.1-P25 Source depth and characteristics of the DPRK’s nuclear tests [2006, 2009, 2013, 2016J (01/06/2016), 2016S (09/09/2016) and 2017] using regional and teleseismic data
T2.1-P26 Source time functions of North Korean nuclear tests
T2.1-P27 Space Borne Optical and Radar Data to characterize North Korean Nuclear Test 2017
T2.1-P28 Summary of Common Exercise (Waveform Portion) at the 6th East Asia Regional NDC Workshop 2018
T2.1-P29 The detection of underground nuclear explosions by natural signatures
T2.1-P30 Three-dimensional space analysis of radioxenon isotopic activity ratios for characterizing a nuclear event
T2.1-P31 Towards an Improved Catalogue of Shallow Ground Truth Events in Eastern North America
T2.1-P32 Underground Nuclear Explosions on the North Korean Test Site According to the KNET Network Data
T2.1-P34 Yield estimates for the DPRK’s sixth nuclear test with radar and seismic analysis
T2.2 Challenges of On-Site Inspection
Oral Presentations
T2.2-O1 A rapid and non-destructive method for determining in-situ Uniaxial Compressive Strength (UCS) of rocks during On-Site Inspections.
T2.2-O2 CHAOS during an OSI (applying measurement restrictions to sample characterisation at the BOO)
T2.2-O3 Cs-137 Background Measurement in the Marine Environment of the Asia-Pacific Region to Support Emerging Challenges of On-Site Inspection (OSI) in Seas
T2.2-O5 Gamma imaging for On-site Inspection: Reconstruction of an extended source in a restricted-access zone
T2.2-O7 How to develop a credible scenario for large field exercises - Scenario Task Force activities
T2.2-O8 The Potential use of Interferometric Techniques in the Location and Size Estimation of Suspected Test Sites
T2.2-O9 Utilization of Unmanned System for Environmental Sampling in CTBT OSI
T2.2-O10 UNE’s subsurface signatures, detected by active seismic surveys at the Semipalatinsk Test site
Poster Presentations
T2.2-P2 Application of the Radionuclide Method Using Tritium as an Indicator for On-Site Inspection
T2.2-P3 Business Approach to Finish an Unsolved Dilemma of the OSI
T2.2-P4 Challenges in hosting an On-site Inspection regional course
T2.2-P5 Challenges of On-Site Inspection in Extreme Climatic Conditions
T2.2-P6 ESI 2007 Earthquake Intensity Scale in help of CTBT OSI’s Verification Regime
T2.2-P8 Studying the Suspected Site of Nuclear Test by Using Microtremor Method
T2.2-P10 The family of the OSI
T2.2-P15 VNIIA major activities related to the CTBT technologies
T2.3 Seismoacoustic Sources in Theory and Practice
Oral Presentations
T2.3-O1 Analysis result of DPRK’s nuclear test using Korea Meteorological Administration(KMA) infrasound network
T2.3-O2 Analyzing the Reduced Displacement Potentials of DPRK Nuclear Explosions Using Waveform Equalization Technique
T2.3-O3 Data analysis and simulations of the Source Physics Experiments: Impact on explosion discrimination & monitoring
Poster Presentations
T2.3-P31 Near-source mechanism for creating shear content from buried explosions
T2.3-P1 A new GT5 event in a previously aseismic region of the Brazilian Phanerozoic Parnaiba Basin
T2.3-P2 A Post Sunda Strait Tsunami Survey of Sunda Strait Tsunami, December 22nd 2018
T2.3-P3 Analysis and modeling of the infrasound signals from the 2017 DPRK nuclear explosion at IMS station IS45
T2.3-P4 Analysis of Kosti Meteorite using Infrasound Data: A case Study In Sudan
T2.3-P5 Analysis of the infrasound signals from a bolide over the Bering Sea
T2.3-P6 Complex seismological investigations near Bulgarian Antarctic Base
T2.3-P8 Deployment of temporal infrasound array in Ecuador
T2.3-P9 Detection and interpretation of Seismoacoustic and Seismic events at NDC Iraq
T2.3-P10 Determine the relationship between seismic and acoustic signals
T2.3-P11 Discrimination between quarry blasts and local earthquakes in Aswan, Egypt
T2.3-P12 Distributed acoustic sensing observations and modeling of the DAG series of chemical explosions
T2.3-P13 Estimating seismic source depths using body and surface wave observations
T2.3-P15 High-Precision Teleseismic Double-Difference Earthquake Relocation of Palu – Koro Earthquake M 7.4
T2.3-P16 Hybrid waveform modeling for small-scale source complexity at teleseismic distances
T2.3-P17 Implications for S wave generation from subsurface chemical explosions using large arrays of sensors
T2.3-P18 Infrasonic Bulletin to Station IS41
T2.3-P19 Infrasound monitoring of deorbiting Soyuz crafts on the territory of Central Kazakhstan
T2.3-P20 Measurement of Rotational Ground Motions for CTBT
T2.3-P21 More precise location of Aswan seismicity based on waveform analysis
T2.3-P22 Seismic Moment Tensor Inversion for Source-Type Identification
T2.3-P23 Simultaneous relocation of the seismicity of the Pannonian Basin using Bayesloc
T2.3-P24 Source Models and Scattering Origin of Regional Phases from Coda Spectral Ratios
T2.3-P25 Study of seismoacoustic signatures of the September 28th 2018 Sulawesi earthquake
T2.3-P26 The Annual Hungarian Seismo-Acoustic Bulletin of Ground Truth Events
T2.3-P27 The Baumgarten and Ingolstadt explosions: infrasound observations from ground truth sources in Eastern Austria and Southern Germany
T2.3-P28 Tropical cyclones monitoring in the Indian Ocean Basin using Seismic and Infrasonic stations
T2.3-P30 Waveform and Dispersion Modeling Using DPRK Regional Seismograms Recorded by the High Sensitivity Seismic Network of Japan
T2.4 Atmospheric and Subsurface Radionuclide Background and Dispersion
Oral Presentations
T2.4-O1 Analysis of high time-resolution observations of radioxenon releases from BWRs compared to stack data and reactor operation parameters
T2.4-O2 Application of Computational Fluid Dynamic in the atmospheric dispersion of radionuclides at Fukushima disaster.
T2.4-O3 Assessment of Temporal Variations of Natural Radionuclides Beryllium-7 and Lead-212 in Surface Air in Tanay, Philippines
T2.4-O4 Contribution of all nuclear research reactors to the global radioxenon emission inventory
T2.4-O5 Half a century of krypton-85 measurements in the atmosphere of Central Europe
T2.4-O6 High Resolution stack data from fission based Mo-99 production
T2.4-O8 Search for radioxenon signals at IMS stations possibly associated with announced DPRK nuclear tests
T2.4-O9 The detection of Ar-39 above UNEs decades later as a signature
T2.4-O10 Underground Nuclear Explosion Signatures Experiment (UNESE) Phase 2: Gas migration studies in a tunnel test location
T2.4-O11 Backgrounds, false negatives and false positives: dealing with RN detection in 2019
Poster Presentations
T2.4-P1 Aerosol dynamics and dispersion of radioactive particles
T2.4-P2 Application of source detective system for a Fukushima accident
T2.4-P3 Argon-37 variability in the low troposphere
T2.4-P4 Assessment of Radionuclides Present in Atmospheric Aerosol in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania by using Gamma-ray Spectrometry
T2.4-P5 Atmospheric Dispersion and Ground Level Deposition of Cs-137 Released From Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Accident
T2.4-P6 Atmospheric dispersion assessment of radioxenon after North Korea's 6th nuclear test using LADAS model
T2.4-P8 Atmospheric Dispersion for Guassian Straight Line Plume Model During Normal & Accidental Release
T2.4-P10 Atmospheric Dispersion of Radionuclides Originating from Hypothetical Accidents and Normal Operation in Research Reactors and Medial Production Facilities
T2.4-P12 Atmospheric Radioactivity over State of Kuwait: fission and activation radionuclides availability and concentrations during the last five years
T2.4-P13 Atmospheric Transport Modelling for dispersion conditions after the DPRK 2017 nuclear test and the origin of regional xenon detections
T2.4-P14 Atmospheric transport study of Japan noble gas systems
T2.4-P15 Backward atmpspheric transport modelling coincidence localization of single sources and repeating emitters
T2.4-P16 Characterization and evolution of global Xe background between 2016 and 2018
T2.4-P18 Development of Compact Xenon Adsorption System for Medical Radioisotope Production Facilities to Mitigate Global Radioxenon Background
T2.4-P19 Devices to Reduce Emission of Radioactive Noble Gases via Hydrogen
T2.4-P20 ECMWF data sets as input for the ATM FLEXPART prepared by a new version of the flex_extract tool
T2.4-P21 Establishment of the National Baseline Using Data from IDC
T2.4-P22 Estimation of the CTBT-Relevant Radionuclides Sources by ensemble Adjoint Atmospheric Transport modeling
T2.4-P23 Estimation of xenon background for the IMS stations located in the Pacific Ocean
T2.4-P25 Fractional Release of Argon from Activated Rocks and Powders
T2.4-P26 Global Observations of radioiodine by the CTBT International Monitoring System
T2.4-P27 Global radioxenon emission inventory for 2014 by normal operational releases from nuclear power plants and medical isotope production facilities
T2.4-P28 Hemispheric atmospheric dispersion analysis of radionuclides released from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
T2.4-P29 How the UK National Data Centre utilises Stack monitoring data in support of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty
T2.4-P30 Impact of CRL shutdown on CTBTO North-American noble gas stations
T2.4-P31 Impacts of the Thorium-based Nuclear Fuels to the CTBTO Monitoring System
T2.4-P32 Impacts of Tropical Climate on Radioactivity Measurement in Particles Collected at the Recently Certified RN65, Thailand
T2.4-P33 Inhalation Dose Assessment of 212Pb and 7Be using Data of IMS RN65
T2.4-P34 Introducing geomechanics and discrete fracture capabilities into STOMP to understand the first 10-100m of UNE signal transport.
T2.4-P35 Inverse modelling applied to the Xe-133 background
T2.4-P36 Investigation of emission of 37Ar from all nuclear research reactors worldwide
T2.4-P37 Investigation of specific historical radioxenon background detections in the IMS
T2.4-P38 Isotopic signature of radioargon released from the FRM-II reactor
T2.4-P39 Magmas in nuclear cavities and their potential effects on the source term and its migration
T2.4-P40 Measurement of radioargon and radioxenon in soil gas
T2.4-P42 Model-based assessment of radionuclide migration in the geosphere by using different type of data - Northern Bulgaria case study
T2.4-P43 Nb-95 and Zr-95 Background from IMS particles stations
T2.4-P44 Noble gas signature adsorption in a UNE – bridging the gap between laboratory and field scale models
T2.4-P45 Plants as Indicators of Radioactive Contamination at Nuclear Test Sites
T2.4-P46 Progress over 2014 baseline on the match between observations and simulations of radioxenon concentrations at IMS stations
T2.4-P48 Radioactivity characteristics of atmospheric aerosol samples in Guangzhou
T2.4-P49 Radionuclides Monitoring along the Brazilian Coast
T2.4-P50 Revisiting Assessment of Radioactive Gases Emanated in the Storage Area of Spent Nuclear Fuel at BN-350 Reactor
T2.4-P51 Risk estimates migration of radionuclides after flooded Klivazh facility
T2.4-P52 Statistical Study of the Atmospheric Background and Anomalous Values of the Radioxenon Activity Concentrations at some IMS Stations
T2.4-P53 Tajikistan and CTBTO
T2.4-P54 The characteristic release of noble gases from an underground nuclear explosion
T2.4-P55 The Rapid Radionuclide Isotopic Ratio Determination Technique to Assess Nuclear Event Debris
T2.4-P56 Trends in worldwide background of CTBT-relevant xenon isotopes based on IMS data
T2.4-P57 Validation study of the Flexpart-WRF model with episodes of Xe-133 releases and detections in Europe
T2.5 Historical Data from Nuclear Test Monitoring
Oral Presentations
T2.5-O1 Digitization and analysis of printed seismograms from aftershocks of the Novaya Zemlya explosion on October 27, 1973
T2.5-O2 Noble Gases Release after Underground Nuclear Explosions
T2.5-O3 Using Satellite Imagery to Map Russia's Underground Nuclear Test Site on Novaya Zemlya
Poster Presentations
T2.5-P1 A catalogue of nuclear test explosions recorded by Slovak National Network of Seismic Stations
T2.5-P2 A Comprehensive Central Asia Seismological Bulletin
T2.5-P3 Detectability of the UNE Wigwam by radionuclide stations of today’s IMS
T2.5-P4 Digitization of Soviet Era Peaceful Nuclear Explosion Seismograms From Regional Stations
T2.5-P6 Discrimination of Nuclear Explosions and Earthquakes at Regional Distances for the Lop Nor Test Site According to the KNET Network Data
T2.5-P8 New Stage of Works on Nuclear Explosions Historical Records Digitization
T2.5-P9 Nuclear Test Monitoring History in the North-East of the USSR
T2.5-P12 Waveforms From Nuclear Explosions (WFNE)
Theme 3. Verification Technologies and Technique Application
T3.1 Design of Sensor Systems and Advanced Sensor Technologies
Oral Presentations
T3.1-O1 Description and results from a feedback digital Infrasound detector system
T3.1-O2 Establishment of a network of political and scientific cooperation between CTBTO and the Great Lakes region to contribute to sustainable development.
T3.1-O3 Estimation of Antineutrino Registration as a Method of Monitoring Nuclear Explosions
T3.1-O4 Exploiting the Tailorable Nanoporosity of Metal-Organic Frameworks for In-Situ Identification of Radioisotopes
T3.1-O5 High sensitive Xe measurement
T3.1-O6 High Throughput Argon-37 Field System
T3.1-O7 How useful are (quantum technology) gravity measurements for on-site inspection?
T3.1-O8 Seismically Cued Antineutrino Detectors Have Limited Potential to Monitor Nuclear Explosions
T3.1-O9 The Feasibility of Using MEMS Technology for Monitoring Large Earthquakes
T3.1-O10 Using the existing telecommunication optical fiber cables as underwater seismic events detectors
Poster Presentations
T3.1-P1 A Differential Highly Sensitivity Sensor for Accounting of Seismic Devices Instrumental Thermal Noise
T3.1-P2 A New Gamma Camcorder
T3.1-P3 A new process design for compact radioxenon separation system
T3.1-P4 A new three-component optical accelerometer
T3.1-P5 Antineutrino detectors: an evaluation of their use for monitoring of nuclear explosions
T3.1-P6 Application of Optimal Filtering to Take into Account the Influence of Baric and Temperature Fluctuations of the Seismic Instrument and the Environment
T3.1-P7 Applying an anti-coincidence system plastic-HPGe to lower the MDA of radioxenon measurement
T3.1-P9 Calibration of Infrasound Sensors in a Long-Term Field Study
T3.1-P10 Characterization of the microbarometer’s sensitivity to the environment
T3.1-P11 Comparison of PSD methods in simultaneous discrimination of alpha-gamma radiations
T3.1-P12 Deployment of Portable Infrasound Array in Costa Rica
T3.1-P14 Development of a Mobile Radiation Detection System
T3.1-P15 Development of a new compact photon/electron detector for radioxenon measurement
T3.1-P16 Development of an Electrostatic Precipitator System for Radionuclide Particle Collection
T3.1-P17 Distributed Fiber Optic Seismic Sensors with Seismic Noise Floor Performance
T3.1-P18 Experimental setup and results of xenon sorption characteristics research for a number of adsorbents
T3.1-P19 Fault Identification using Seismic Data Monitoring in Jakarta, Indonesia
T3.1-P20 Future of aerosol radionuclide monitoring
T3.1-P22 Hyper-sensitive Gamma spectrometry – approaching the ultimate limit
T3.1-P23 Improvement of energy resolution of beta detector in radioxenon detection system (INGAS)
T3.1-P25 Investigating New Detection Mediums for Atmospheric Radioxenon Measurements
T3.1-P26 New Lobular Detection Technology and Possible Applications
T3.1-P27 Next generation low-power HPGe gamma-ray spectrometer to improve IMS particulate radionuclide station reliability
T3.1-P28 Project PIM: a low-cost mobile seismo-acoustic sensor for geophysical deployments
T3.1-P29 PVA nanofibers based microfluidics chip for detection and absorption of nuclear radioactive solutions
T3.1-P30 Radiation detection for OSI - A study of non-He-3 neutron detectors
T3.1-P31 Radioactive gas metrology at NPL and the development of short-lived gas standards
T3.1-P32 Radioxenon collection using synthetized xenon-adsorbing material for Nuclear Test Monitoring
T3.1-P33 Report on SPALAX-NG validation tests and performances
T3.1-P34 Results from a 6-month acceptance test of the SAUNA III- prototype
T3.1-P35 SAUNA-CUBE: The first prototype for a noble gas system adapted for an Array-network
T3.1-P36 Status of infrasound and seismic metrology at CEA
T3.1-P37 Status of the stack monitor for the STAX project
T3.1-P38 Study of materials for improved adsorption of xenon at IMS radionuclide stations
T3.1-P39 Testing of Cosmic Veto for RASA Background and MDC Reduction
T3.1-P41 The gas processing system of SAUNA CUBE
T3.1-P42 The Güralp Affinity as a replacement for the DM24SxAM
T3.1-P43 The radiation dose monitoring network system in a coastal area
T3.1-P44 Three Future Filters for IMS Radionuclide Particulate Operations
T3.1-P45 Towards disaster mitigation on Earthquakes and Tsunamis using off shore real time monitoring data
T3.1-P46 Ultra-sensitive measurements of large-volume radioxenon samples using an ultra-low-background proportional counter
T3.1-P47 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in On-site Inspection: New techniques for gamma spectroscopy survey
T3.1-P48 Updated results from long-term infrasound sensor comparison
T3.1-P49 Xenon International
T3.2 Laboratories Including Mobile and Field Based Facilities
Oral Presentations
T3.2-O1 Investigations of the characteristics of installation for the measurement of low activities of 37Ar based on the detection of liquid argon scintillation
T3.2-O2 More sensitive measurements that radionuclide laboratories can do for special studies
T3.2-O3 Sample throughput improvements for the U.S. Noble Gas Laboratory
Poster Presentations
T3.2-P1 Accuracy of particulate sample analysis with a BEGe detector
T3.2-P2 Developing a laboratory-based beta-gamma coincidence detection system
T3.2-P4 Efficiency of ion exchange columns for precipitation sampling
T3.2-P5 Further development of the SAUNA-FIELD system for rapid deployment and improved operation.
T3.2-P6 Quality assurance for the OSI Field Radionuclide Laboratory
T3.2-P7 Radioxenon spiked air for field testing
T3.2-P9 Status and results of Xenon Proficiency Test Exercises
T3.3 Remote Sensing, Satellite Imagery and Data Acquisition Platforms
Oral Presentations
T3.3-O1 Continuous and Unattended Spectroscopic Operation and Analysis with the Mirion Data Analyst
T3.3-O2 International Radiation Monitoring Information System (IRMIS)
Poster Presentations
T3.3-P1 A New Method to Identifying Radioactivity in the Region of Infrared
T3.3-P2 An Integrated GIS-Remote Sensing based Application of Analytical Hierarchy Process and Socio-demographic Aspect to Landslide Susceptibility Mapping at Rawalakot, Azad Jammu Kashmir, Pakistan.
T3.3-P3 Application of Weather Radar Data for Volcanic Ash Dispersion of Anak Krakatau Eruption on 27 December 2018
T3.3-P4 Applying Multispectral and Hyperspectral Imagery Analysis to Monitor and Verify Front-end Uranium Production
T3.3-P5 Comparison of Satellite Earth Observation and Seimic data to analysis the effect of Nuclear Tests in 2017 North Korea.
T3.3-P7 Design and construction of an OSI airborne techniques simulator
T3.3-P8 Improvements to the Standard Station Interface (SSI) software: State of Health and Authentication with ECDSA
T3.3-P9 Optimizing the OSI Operation by Employing Drone Mounted Aerial Gamma Monitoring System
T3.3-P10 Potential Ways for Optimization of Multispectral including Infrared (MSIR) Imaging for On-Site Inspection (OSI)
T3.3-P11 Several key COTS equipments’ potential application to CTBTO OSI
T3.4 Augmented Reality and Fusion of Data from Different Monitoring Technologies
Oral Presentations
T3.4-O1 Recreating and exploring the DPRK nuclear test site in 3D to calculate possible overburdens for detonations
Poster Presentations
T3.4-P1 Data Fusion of Electromagnetic and Infrasound Measurements
T3.4-P2 Detection and interpretation of explosive events by seismic and infrasound networks of Ukraine
T3.4-P3 Detection and Location of an Earthquake Using Seismic, Infrasound and Hydroacoustic Data: A Case Study of Botswana
T3.4-P5 National Seismic Network of Samoa
T3.4-P6 Seismo-Acoustic Study in Israel
T3.5 Data Analysis Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Deep Learning
Oral Presentations
T3.5-O1 A Methodology to Establish Bayesian Detection Limits for Radionuclide Monitoring
T3.5-O2 A Semi-Automatic Method for Cepstral Depth Estimates for Sequences of Shallow Events
T3.5-O4 Can high-precision methods of seismic monitoring for earthquakes and explosions find application for broad areas?
T3.5-O5 Continuous assessing of the Reviewed Event Bulletin with waveform cross correlation
T3.5-O7 Identification of repeating seismic events using diffusion maps
T3.5-O9 Machine learning for emulation of seismic-phase travel times in 3-D earth models
T3.5-O10 NET-VISA: Evaluation of event location performance compared to SEL3, and NEIC PDE
T3.5-O11 Peak identification in EDS Measurements using multiple subset sum problem formulation
T3.5-O12 Recent Improvements on the Broadband Seismic Network of Iran (Implementing tuned Seiscomp3 and Automatic Online Moment Tensor Inversion)
T3.5-O13 Statistical Analysis to advance common understanding on SAUNA false positives hypothesis
T3.5-O14 The machine-learning tool NET-VISA from cradle to adulthood - The next generation system of the IDC and the SnT process
T3.5-O15 Unified implementation of NCC analysis algorithms for both current and next generation beta-gamma coincidence based noble gas systems
T3.5-O16 Machine Learning to Categorize Radionuclide Spectra
Poster Presentations
T3.5-P1 A Demonstration of the RKF Solution Method for Multi-physics Analysis of Radionuclides Evolved in Nuclear Testing
T3.5-P2 A new analysis method for beta-gamma radioxenon spectra, including improved calculation of decision limits
T3.5-P3 A new approach for calculating 1D local velocity model using Particle Swarm Optimization technique
T3.5-P4 A new blind deconvolution approach for the separation of seismic waves
T3.5-P5 A novel approach for signal sparse time-frequency representations
T3.5-P6 A semi-automatic method for extraction and interpretation of reflection Green’s Functions from ambient noise and signal, for IMS seismic station crustal reflector characterization
T3.5-P7 A simplified Fuzzy ARTMAP neural network based-approach for seismic signal discrimination between earthquakes and quarry blasts
T3.5-P9 Analyzing seismic explosion records using SEISAN
T3.5-P11 Applying waveform correlation to aftershock sequences using a global sparse network
T3.5-P12 Automatic characterization of phase type at three-component seismic stations using neural networks
T3.5-P13 Automatic machine learning methods for analyzing radioxenon isotopes spectra
T3.5-P14 Automatic Systems for Accurate Tracking of Aftershock Sequences
T3.5-P15 Bayesian Approach to Localization of Atmospheric Release with Demonstration on the Case of Ruthenium-106 Release in 2017
T3.5-P16 Can artificial intelligence help detect nuclear explosions?
T3.5-P18 Comparing REB and SSEB (IDC products) with other Seismic Data Centers
T3.5-P19 Comparison of pick-based and waveform-based event detectors for local to near-regional distance data from Utah
T3.5-P20 Contribution of Kazakhstan's Stations of the International Monitoring System into Global and Regional Monitoring
T3.5-P21 Data Processing Modular Software for real-time Stack Monitor
T3.5-P22 Detecting low magnitude seismic events using Convolutional Neural Networks
T3.5-P24 Detection and classification of lightning events
T3.5-P25 Detection performance of dynamic correlation processors using de-noised signal space-spanning templates
T3.5-P26 Developing a Deployable, Flexible Radionuclide Analysis Pipeline
T3.5-P27 Discrimination Between Earthquakes and Explosions by Using scaling parameter Hurst Parameter
T3.5-P28 Discrimination between nuclear explosions and natural earthquakes
T3.5-P29 Disturbing Incidents Signal Character Analysis in Nuclear Explosion Infrasound Detection
T3.5-P30 Dynamic and Agnostic State of Health (SOH) Analysis Tools for Noble Gas Systems
T3.5-P31 Enhancement on the algorithm of characterization limits of the net count calculation method for low counts of IMS beta-gamma coincidence noble gas samples
T3.5-P32 Exploiting Bayesian inference priors to form synthetic waveform events or to validate events formed by automatic processing
T3.5-P33 Global and local scale high-resolution seismic event catalogs for algorithm development and testing
T3.5-P34 Implementation of a Fast Infrasonic Spectrum Sensing System Based on Fisher-Statistics Detection Method
T3.5-P35 Improvements of phase detection and identification using 3C array processing
T3.5-P36 InfraPy – An Open Source Signal Analysis Toolkit for Infrasound Research
T3.5-P37 iNSPIRE: iNtegrated Software Platform for the Interactive REview - The first release features for beta-gamma coincidence based noble gas data
T3.5-P38 Joint Processing of Seismic and Infrasound Signals from Mining Blasts
T3.5-P39 Learning about small-scale atmospheric structures through recurrent infrasound events
T3.5-P40 Leveraging Powerful Artificial Intelligence Abstractions of IMS Data
T3.5-P41 Long-term infrasound monitoring of volcanic activities of Kyushu region in Japan
T3.5-P43 Matrix operation of the net count calculation method for beta-gamma coincidence spectrum analysis of IMS noble gas samples
T3.5-P44 Mel Cepstrum techniques for event identification
T3.5-P45 Multilayer neural network architecture optimization and performance amelioration for seismic signal classification using genetic algorithms
T3.5-P46 Optimization algorithm for synergy of CTBT verification techniques in addressing IMS and OSI tasks
T3.5-P47 Platform for Rain Monitoring and Flood Prevention Risk Oriented Citizen in Dakar
T3.5-P48 RASA Filter Jam Detection Algorithms
T3.5-P49 Recent Advances and Status of Generative Modeling for Network Processing at the CTBTO
T3.5-P50 Reduction of wind noise impact based on the use of data from a weather station in recording infrasound signals at IS43
T3.5-P51 RNIAC: A cloud-based approach of the Radionuclide National Data Centre (NDC) in a Box software (RNIAB)
T3.5-P52 RSTT validation studies in the Middle East, Central Asia and the Caucasus
T3.5-P53 Scientific evaluation of the benefits of increase in resolution for IDC's ATM tools and launching interface
T3.5-P54 SeisComP3 iLoc integration applied to array processing
T3.5-P56 Seismic Phase Identification with Deep Learning in Frequency Domain
T3.5-P57 Sensitivity analysis and disaggregation of recent seismic hazard assessment in Egypt
T3.5-P58 Sensitivity of a Bayesian source-term estimation model to spatiotemporal sensor resolution
T3.5-P59 Signal Character Analysis of Lightning in Nuclear Explosion Infrasound Detection
T3.5-P60 Simulations of gamma ray spectra of fission samples
T3.5-P61 Source Spectral Discrimination between Shallow Earthquakes and Quarry Explosions in Northern of Egypt
T3.5-P62 Source Term Estimation in the Presence of Nuisance Signals
T3.5-P63 Source Term Estimation Using Multiple Isotopes in Atmospheric Samples
T3.5-P64 Source term estimation with a simple weak-constraint inverse modeling scheme
T3.5-P65 Spectral Region-of-Interest Methods Used in Net Count Calculations
T3.5-P67 Stack data processing pipeline
T3.5-P68 Study of variants for seismic data pre-processing which are not leading to significant losses of information that may be needed
T3.5-P69 SVM classification of explosions and earthquakes using seismic features
T3.5-P70 Testing IMS/CTBT Verification Capability Using July 2013 Lake Albert Seismic Activity in Western Rift, Uganda
T3.5-P71 The application of multi-criteria synthetic method in discrimination of nuclear explosions from earthquakes
T3.5-P72 The challenge of quantitative comparison and quality assessment of IDC waveform bulletins
T3.5-P73 The Identification and Determination of Small Peaks and the False Positive Alarm in RN Particulate Spectra Analysis
T3.5-P74 The iterative processing framework: a new paradigm for automatic event building
T3.5-P76 The Wind Influence to the Detection Ability of Permanent and Mobile Infrasound Stations in Mongolia
T3.5-P77 Toward reliable certainty for seismic processing tasks with deep learning
T3.5-P78 Towards Automatic Noble Gas Data Processing at the Canadian NDC
T3.5-P79 Towards real-time association of infrasound events using full-wave modeling
T3.5-P80 Using spectral ratios to discriminate between low-magnitude earthquakes, explosions and mining events in Canada
T3.5-P81 Weather support and application of ATM during an OSI: development perspectives
T3.5-P82 When can the combination of seismic and infrasound data improve event location?
T3.5-P83 Application of Nonlinear Echo State Network (Machine Learning) in Daily Streamflow Forecasting
Theme 4. Performance Optimization
T4.1 Network Optimization
Oral Presentations
T4.1-O1 Adaptable turnkey solution for Infrasound station
T4.1-O2 Latest Development of the Standard Station Interface Calibration Module
T4.1-O3 More Mission Less Money - How to Effectively Optimize Your Network Through Total Life Cycle Management
Poster Presentations
T4.1-P1 Troubleshooting Indonesian CTBTO stations
T4.1-P2 Bulgarian NDC and network – new achievements and challenges
T4.1-P33 Next Generation Power Systems of CTBTO’s International Monitoring System (IMS)
T4.1-P5 Cyber security Analysis on Satellite Network Vulnerability
T4.1-P6 Designing the Control System for Air Conditioning and Dehumidifier to Optimize the Performance of Gamma Spectrometer at RN42 Station
T4.1-P7 Fair Spectral Access in Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks
T4.1-P8 Free-Space-Optical communication as back up in case of non functioning of the GCI-III.
T4.1-P9 Geodynamic network of seismic and volcanic monitoring OVSICORI-UNA a possibility of data integration with the Costa Rica National Data Center (NDC-CR)
T4.1-P10 Geography information system capabilities: GeoEvent method to improve network optimization of CTBTO Operation data
T4.1-P13 Implementation of a QA/QC programme for noble gas monitoring in the IMS network
T4.1-P14 Implementing Process Oriented Knowledge Management: Lessons learned from an application in the OPCW
T4.1-P15 IMS Station Management in Argentina
T4.1-P16 Infrasound Detection Capability Improvement on Noise Reduction System
T4.1-P17 Key factors that improved Data Availability at IMS RN stations
T4.1-P18 Maintenance visit to radionuclide station FJP26 and auxiliary seismic station AS031/MSVF
T4.1-P19 Major upgrade at IS41 Villa Florida, Paraguay
T4.1-P20 New High Quality VBB Borehole Sensor Upgrades and Additional Atmospheric Sensors at Global Seismographic Network (GSN) Stations
T4.1-P23 Parallel Processing in the GDMS Analysis Pipeline
T4.1-P24 Power Quality and Generator Monitoring
T4.1-P27 Seismic station control
T4.1-P28 Site selection for seismic Broadband station installation (CGS seismic BB National Network)
T4.1-P31 The New Botswana Seismological Network (BSN): Developments in detection of seismic events in Southern Africa and beyond
T4.2 Systems Engineering
Oral Presentations
T4.2-O1 A New Approach to Supportability Analysis for the IMS, based on the Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM)
T4.2-O2 FaultNet: A Deep-Learning Framework for Data-Gap Analysis
T4.2-O3 Geophysical Monitoring System (GMS) development for IDC Re-engineering
T4.3 Enabling Technologies
Poster Presentations
T4.3-P2 CTBTO Link to the ISC Database
T4.3-P3 CTBTO's Seismic Data Products
T4.3-P4 Development of Information Technologies at Kazakhstan National Data Centre (KNDC) in support of the CTBTO
T4.3-P5 Expanding National Data Centres to provide High Performance Computing (HPC)
T4.3-P6 Improved Method for the Testing and Verification of the Sierra Instruments 620S Mass Flow Meter
T4.3-P7 Low cost transmission and State of Health for NDC's
T4.3-P9 NDC in the Cloud: Example of performing seismic processing in the cloud
T4.3-P10 Quantifying the State of Health of a detection system remotely with LabPulse
T4.3-P11 Temporary Installation of Seismo Wave MB3d with Raspberry Pi at Nanyang Technological University
T4.4 Performance of the Full Verification System
Oral Presentations
T4.4-O1 3rd ATM Challenge 2019
T4.4-O2 International Monitoring System's Detection and Screening Capability in Australia
T4.4-O3 Near real-time monitoring of the IMS event detection capability
Poster Presentations
T4.4-P1 A framework for performance optimization
T4.4-P2 An Assessment of XSEL Bulletin as Produced through the Cross Correlation Technique
T4.4-P3 Build up Exercises to Validate OSI Capability Development
T4.4-P4 Data Availability and Quality at IMS Stations and Local Networks
T4.4-P5 Effective Management of OSI Equipment and Software
T4.4-P6 High-density configuration experiment of noble gas measurement systems in Japan
T4.4-P7 National Data Centre Preparedness Exercise 2017 - Exploring real IMS data for casual connections
T4.4-P8 Quality assessment of REB through comparison with NEIC bulletin for the month of September 2018
T4.4-P9 Quantifying uncertainties and confidence level in ATM simulations
T4.4-P10 Quantifying uncertainties in the Atmospheric Modelling (ATM) simulations resulting from different emission time resolution
T4.4-P11 Successes in improving Data Availability to RN station with long term issues
T4.4-P13 The CTBTO/PTS Operations Centre
Theme 5. CTBT in a Global Context
T5.1 Science in Policy Discussions and Lessons Learned from Other Arms Control Agreements and Arrangements
Oral Presentations
T5.1-O1 Chemistry and Diplomacy: The Provision of Scientific Advice for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Treaty Organisations
T5.1-O2 Comparative Assessment of CTBT with International Arms Control and Disarmament Treaties: Strengths and Limitations of Science in Enforcement and Addressing Security Driven Actions
T5.1-O3 North Korea and the CTBT
Poster Presentations
T5.1-P3 CTBT Entry into Force: Breaking the Stalemate
T5.1-P4 Leveraging the CTBT's verification provisions for promoting entry-into-force
T5.1-P5 On-Site Inspection: A Multidimensional Example of Science Diplomacy
T5.1-P6 Strengthening the NPT through CTBT entry-into-force: is there a link between the Comprehensive Test-Ban Treaty and the Non-Proliferation Treaty?
T5.1-P7 Testing Customs: the CTBT and Customary International Law
T5.1-P8 The Development of Arms Control Agreements and Arrangements
T5.2 Experience with and Possible Additional Contributions to Issues of Global Concern such as Disaster Risk Mitigation, Climate Change Studies and Sustainable Development Goals
Oral Presentations
T5.2-O1 CTBTO for UN 2030: Empowering Diplomacy through Science in South Asia
T5.2-O2 CTBTO IMS Contribution to SDG:14 Life Below Water
T5.2-O3 Feasibility assessment for geothermal potential in Las Trincheras - Mariara, Venezuela
T5.2-O4 Hazard mitigation analysis of the Anak Krakatau eruption and its tsunami (22 December 2018)
T5.2-O5 Infrasound monitoring of active volcanoes at local and regional scale
T5.2-O6 Amplifying the impact of CTBTO data for emergency response and climate change monitoring
T5.2-O8 Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development in the Light of Environmental Security
T5.2-O9 The catastrophic failure of the iron-ore tailings dam: the worst environmental disaster in Brazil
T5.2-O10 The CTBTO and Goal 11: Using the IDC to Make Cities Safer and More Inclusive Through Disaster Preparedness Laws (CTBTxSDGs Innovation Challenge)
T5.2-O11 The invisible link between the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and CTBT
Poster Presentations
T5.2-P1 Activities of the Ghana Nuclear Data Centre (NDC)
T5.2-P4 Contributions to Issues of Global Concern such as Disaster Risk Mitigation
T5.2-P5 CTBT in Global Context: Nepal' Scenario
T5.2-P6 CTBT Technology for securing SDG 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of Water and sanitation for all.
T5.2-P8 Earthquake tectonics, sustainability of cities and infrastructure, seismic hazard assessment and mitigation. A Case study in north-east of Azerbaijan
T5.2-P9 Economic uses of previous nuclear test grounds (Semipalatinsk test site)
T5.2-P12 How National Young Academies can Help CTBTO implementing relevant Sustainable Development Goals
T5.2-P13 Identification of Mass Movements Using the CTBTO IMS Data: Seismo-Acoustic Technology
T5.2-P14 Integrating the CTBTO IMS and NDC into the NNNREP as a Tool for Enhancing Radiological Emergency Response and Preparedness in Nigeria
T5.2-P15 Integration of IMS Data and Smart Cities: Mardim Streps - Smart City Istanbul
T5.2-P16 Integration of Seismic Data of IMS for Sustainable Cities and Communities
T5.2-P17 Integration of the IMS waveform technologies for Tsunami Early Warning: A perspective from Venezuela and the Caribbean
T5.2-P18 Investigation of the Catchments Sensitivity on the Observed Climate Change Signal
T5.2-P19 Microgravity Survey to Evaluate Earthquake Effects on a Dam Site in Iraq
T5.2-P22 Modern seismic network development in Iraq
T5.2-P24 Operational Readiness of CTBT Hydroacoustic Stations in Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 14
T5.2-P25 Prediction of Major Earthquakes Using 4-D Seismic Attenuation Tomography
T5.2-P27 Promotion of Civil and Scientific Applications of Data and Techniques used for Nuclear-Test-Ban Verification
T5.2-P28 Recent seismic activities in Ghana: The role of the National Data Centre (NDC)
T5.2-P29 Remote sensing earthquake ground motions using seismo-acoustic coupled signals
T5.2-P30 Scientific Applications of IDC and IMS Products: Earthquake Research and Tsunami Warning in Sri Lanka
T5.2-P31 Seismic Hazard Assessment for Northern Malawi
T5.2-P32 Seismic Intensity Map of 5.5 Mozambique Earthquake
T5.2-P38 Swedish Biodiversity in Time and Space
T5.2-P40 The changes in the wildlife of a region as an indicator of the effect of the radiation caused by the nuclear tests
T5.2-P41 The CTBTO IMS and NDC Opportunities to Help Detect, Prepare, Respond and Mitigate Disasters from Earthquakes and Tremors in Abuja, Nigeria
T5.2-P43 The Investigation between the CTBT and the UN Sustainable Development Goals
T5.2-P44 The role of NDCs and NDC cooperation to promote the additional use and understanding of IMS data to benefit civil applications
T5.2-P45 The WHO and the CTBTO: joint initiatives to address air pollution in the cities
T5.2-P46 Tsunami Evacuation Map in Padang, West Sumatra for Disaster Risk Mitigation
T5.2-P47 Tsunami risk assessment in South-Eastern Mediterranean
T5.2-P48 Urban Seismic Risk Evaluation for Georgia
T5.2-P49 Waiting to the eight: Billions people and CTBTO committed for a safer world
T5.3 Capacity Building, Education and Public Awareness
Oral Presentations
T5.3-O1 CTBT and role of the CYG in the Korean Peace and denuclearisation process
T5.3-O3 Integration women technicians in CTBTO
T5.3-O5 NRNU MEPhI as an educational site for relevant CTBTO problems solving.
T5.3-O6 Nurturing the Science Diplomacy Generation (SDG) to advance the CTBT
T5.3-O8 Raise the Nuclear Awareness for the Public Across Culture
T5.3-O9 Raising public awareness among students about CTBT in Nuclear Age
T5.3-O10 Role of Civil Society Organizations for education and public awareness
T5.3-O11 The Intrinsic Value of CTBTO Workshops, Training Programs, and Expert Meetings
Poster Presentations
T5.3-P1 20 Years of Participations in CTBTO activities
T5.3-P2 Awareness activities related to CTBT undertaken by HANEA
T5.3-P3 Awareness of the Radionuclide Monitoring Technology for Myanmar’s students
T5.3-P4 Capacity Building and Public Awareness Creation by National Data Centre in Ghana, West Africa
T5.3-P5 Capacity Building for Expertise for Non-Proleiferation Rules and Instrument
T5.3-P6 Capacity Building in Central Asia to Monitor the CTBT
T5.3-P9 Challenges to innovative solutions, transparency and application of verification technologies in Non- Signatory, Annex 2 states in the modern era.
T5.3-P10 Cloud platform as instrument to enhance capabilities of remote users (data processing and training)
T5.3-P14 CTBT and Evolving Nuclear Order
T5.3-P15 CTBT Enforcement
T5.3-P16 CTBT the next global agenda toward peaceful planet
T5.3-P17 CTBT-SDGs-Innovation-Challenge: Building resilient communities through CTBT science information sharing
T5.3-P18 CTBTO Educational Programme and Sustainable Development Goal 5 in Nigeria
T5.3-P19 CTBTORS the global heroes of sustainability: A collaborative online game for schools and citizens
T5.3-P20 Curriculum Development on CTBTO Verification Regime
T5.3-P21 Deploying a Radionuclide Monitoring Station in Kazakhstan
T5.3-P22 Engaging Young Generation: The Case of Ural Federal University in Russia
T5.3-P24 Equipping the Next Generation of Nuclear Explosion Watchers - CTBT Educational Materials a Useful Resource
T5.3-P25 Establishment of an academic and research network under the CTBTO umbrella
T5.3-P26 Estimation of Ionizing Radiation Risk and their Effects as a Method of Approach to Data Products
T5.3-P27 Evidence based proposition to make IMS and IDC data available for use through climate change education in the context of education for sustainable development, promoting peace and climate Change Resilience in Africa.
T5.3-P28 Extended-NDC-in-a-Box experience at the Israel National Data Center
T5.3-P29 Feminist Perspective on Disarmament
T5.3-P30 Goal 9. Built resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.
T5.3-P31 How the CTBTO Activities increases and develops the NDCs technical staffs Knowledge, experiences and skills, JO-NDC as an example
T5.3-P32 Implementation of Capacity Development and Public Awareness for CTBT verification regime in Myanmar
T5.3-P33 Implementation of Research and Development Obligations of the Republic of Kazakhstan on CTBT
T5.3-P34 In a Hope of Non Nuclear World
T5.3-P35 Inclusive approaches and multi levels team building impacts on increasing the IMS and NDC facilities availabilities: a case study of Senegal
T5.3-P36 Incresing Role of the CTBT
T5.3-P37 Internal Management Software for Station Managers
T5.3-P38 International Outreach and Training on the Regional Seismic Travel Time (RSTT) method
T5.3-P39 It is not about the "know-how", it is about "why" and "how-to" spread the knowledge.
T5.3-P40 KAIST NEREC for developing human capital for global nuclear nonproliferation
T5.3-P42 Monitoring Compliance with the CTBT – Contributions by the German NDC
T5.3-P44 National Data Centre's Training Cycle Approach
T5.3-P45 NDC Establishment and Operation
T5.3-P46 NNRA Information Dissemination Strategies
T5.3-P48 Plan to develop CTBTO network in Vietnam
T5.3-P50 Promoting Civil and Scientific Applications of International Monitoring System (IMS) Data and Spin-offs
T5.3-P52 Proposal for a Clean and Sustainable Energy Policy in Bolivia
T5.3-P53 Public awareness and safety
T5.3-P55 Raising awareness of nuclear nonproliferation through the Capacity Building System (CBS) in Iraq NDC
T5.3-P56 Raising Public Awareness of the CTBT: Measuring Success, Addressing Challenges
T5.3-P57 Regional Training Centre- South African perspective
T5.3-P58 Role of CTBT in order to achieve SDG
T5.3-P59 Saving lives through Third Stream activities and fulfilling CTBT objectives
T5.3-P61 Strengthening Nonproliferation Norms in South Asia
T5.3-P62 Technical support provided to States Parties and its impact On process of promoting ratification of Treaty
T5.3-P63 The Application of International Monitoring System Data (IMS) and International Data Centre (IDC) Products at the Jordanian National Data Centre
T5.3-P64 The CTBT’s Relevance to the SDGs: A Virtual Education Platform for Capacity-Building
T5.3-P65 The education and public awareness of the CTBT through web application Mexico
T5.3-P66 The effect of art students’ awareness of nuclear weapons on their artistry.
T5.3-P68 The importance of promoting the CTBT locally and the benefits of doing so
T5.3-P69 The Italian CTBTO CNF: readiness test status
T5.3-P70 The Necessity of Academia-Industry-Political for Nuclear Awareness
T5.3-P71 The Role Media Can Play in Raising Awareness of the CTBTO Goals
T5.3-P72 The role of Member States in providing insight into the substance of the CTBT: the linkage between ARN and the local community
T5.3-P76 Travelling School
T5.3-P77 Two Courses on Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty: Political, Legal and Technical Aspects’ and Intensive Policy Course on "Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty: Political, Legal and Technical Aspects"
T5.3-P79 Understanding of Nuclear-Weapons-Related Issues Among Practitioners in Indonesia
T5.3-P81 Verification Regime Versus Sustainable Development Goals: How Can Ghana Benefit From The Radionuclide Technology In Achieving Sustainable Development Goals
T5.3-P82 Wake up Pakistan!
T5.3-P83 West African Countries Collaborate on the Promotion of Joint Research Projects and CTBT Academic Currucila
T5.3-P84 Why Young People Win